Nature Conservation Work Parties

**** Book your place - ****

Conservation sessions - weekends and some weekdays.

Join us to help maintain the Hill's unique habitat working in pre-booked groups.

Booking is via Eventbrite, which shows the range of dates available.

If you would like more details about what is involved, please contact us.

We usually sit and have a chat afterwards, please bring you own coffee, tea or other refreshments.

Keeping Troopers Hill looking its best

Please help keep Troopers Hill looking good for all our visitors and safe for wildlife by taking your litter home and cleaning up after your dogs.

You can do your bit to help by picking up any litter as you walk around the Hill. If you would like to borrow our litter pickers please contact us and we will drop them off to you.

Anyone visiting Troopers Hill needs to be aware of ticks - further information on ticks.

Our volunteers help to maintain the habitat by carrying out conservation work such as removing saplings and bramble where they are spreading into grassland / heathland. All work is in accordance with the management plan. We are always happy to talk about the work we are doing.

Bristol Parks Forum – Information on volunteering alone or in groups

Scroll down to see photos from previous work parties.

Planning the Work

The work we do is agreed with Bristol Parks and helps to ensure that Troopers Hill Local Nature Reserve is managed for wildlife and people in accordance with the Management Plan.

Please join us to help look after this unique space. You can see the type of work we do by looking at the reports of past work parties below.

Information about other ways to volunteer with Friends of Troopers Hill >>

Corporate or Group Visits

If you are a member of a group or represent a company who would like to visit to work on Troopers Hill, perhaps as part of a team building exercise or similar then please see our information sheet for Corporate or Group Volunteering (pdf) and get in touch, we would be pleased to see you.

Past Corporate Volunteering:
Environment Agency, Oct 24 - DEFRA, Jan 23 - Environment Agency, Nov 22 - BT, Feb 22 - SJP, Feb 22 - DEFRA, Nov 21 - Environment Agency, Oct 19 - Lloyds Bank, May 19 - Lloyds Bank, Oct 14 - Lloyds Bank, May 14 - DEFRA, April 12

Health And Safety

Our Work Parties on Troopers Hill are a fun way of helping maintain the environment of the site for everyone’s benefit. However, we have to ensure that the work we do is carried out safely.

We work in accordance with the requirements of Bristol Parks' Health and Safety Support Pack and ask all our volunteers to read and complete the Works Party Information and Registration Form. Each Work Party is led by someone who has been trained by Bristol Parks and has been assessed to be a 'competent' person. Dates on which training is available are shown here.

Bristol Parks supply generic risk assessments for the tasks we carry out and we then complete our own Risk Assessment for the site specific issues (example) along with a Health & Plan (example) for the work which is signed off by Bristol Parks. By complying with this scheme we ensure that our activities are covered by Bristol City Council insurance.

Past Work Parties

Saturday 14th December 2024

Three of this morning's group completed the work near Sally's Glade that we had started on 30th November; they then joined the rest of the group working to the west of the steps leading up from the second entrance up Troopers Hill Road.

After another week of cloudy days, it was wonderful to see some sunshine and it actually felt warm as we worked on this south-facing slope. The view of a balloon flying from Ashton Court caused a brief distraction.

We removed lots of bramble, small saplings and some broom from this heather covered slope.

The sunshine was especially welcome as we enjoyed our drinks after we finished, before walking back up the Hill.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

11.3 Clear broom

11.4 Remove saplings & scrub by pulling and cutting

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting

Thursday 12th December 2024

Having had to cancel our session on the preceeding Saturday due to Storm Darragh, with its red wind warnings, we were pleased to have a large group today.

Regular volunteers and two first timers were joined by members of BCC's Communities Team.

The main focus was to remove some of the gorse and broom that is spreading into the areas of heather on the slopes south of the gully.

Two of the group started by replacing our flag near the greendown entrance, the flag itself had survived the storm without damage, but the cord attaching it to the pole had broken.

Photographs of the morning here

15.9 Remove scrub from mounds on north edge of compartment 15 from the western edge to the specimen birch tree on the north east side of compartment 15

15.10 Prevent further spread of gorse and scrub by removing new growth

15.11 Keep flat areas at top of gully clear of scrub

Saturday 30th November 2024

Today we cleared a lot of bramble, and some saplings that were growing through it, on the east side of Sally's Glade adjacent to the area cleared by the Council's team earlier in the month.

This took us to the edge of an area of broom and included some quite tall birch saplings. There is a bit more to do here next time to finish off.

Photographs of the morning here

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

Thursday 13th November 2024

A small but enthusiastic group cleared some scrub from the end of the Gulley.

This exposed more of the large rock face that had become hidden by buddleia in advance of the Geology Walk to be held on Sunday. Preventing this south-east facing rock face from being over-shadowed is also beneficial for wildlife, including lizards and some invertebrates.

We also cleared saplings that were spreading into the areas of heather on thhe south facing slopes.

Photographs of the morning here

13.1 Remove trees and scrub

13.3 Clear scrub from rock exposure

Saturday 9th November 2024

Today's weather continued the grey overcast pattern that we have had for over a week now; but it was dry and mild for the time of year, so ideal weather to get stuck into removing some bramble and saplings.

Most of the group concentrated on the area near where the flue from the chimney used to run down the Hill. On the line of the flue we also removed some broom, both to stop its spread into the grassland and to ensure that the route of this historic feature remains visible.

Meanwhile, two of the group cleared the area in front of one of the rock exposures in the gully ahead of our Geology Walk next weekend.

Afterwards there was time for a chat over coffee /tea. With the start of work on the East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood scheme being a major subject of conversation.

Photographs of the morning here

2.1 Clear all tree saplings and seedlings

6.3 Keep woodland 3-4 metres from path edges

6.4 Clear all patches of scrub and tree saplings in grassland not addressed by 6.1-6.3

13.3 Clear scrub from rock exposure

Thursday 24th October 2024

Today's efforts were focused on removing broom and gorse together with some oak saplings from the area of heather near the eroded area on the south facing slopes of the Hill.

This is an area that is very important for bees and we were pleased to see colletes bees excavating their burrows.

Photographs of the morning here

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting

Tuesday 22nd October 2024
Corporate Volunteering - Environment Agency

An enthusiastic group from the Environment Agency joined us on a mostly sunny day, with just a few light showers around lunchtime.

After a brief introduction talking about the history of the site and its importance for wildlife we got stuck into the day's work.

The two tasks were clearing bramble and saplings from the slopes above the nursery and clearing the front of the steps and cross-drains on the adjacent main flight of steps up the Hill.

Fortunately the weather allowed us to have a picnic lunch in the area where we had been working and the group put in a further stint after lunch to complete the flight of steps and also clear some saplings from the other side of the path.

Photographs of the day here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

7.2 Cut scrub and tree saplings across area

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting

All - Maintenance of paths & steps

Saturday 19th October 2024

The original plan was to remove saplings and bramble to either side of the path at the top of Troopers Hill that runs between the allotment fence and the chimney, with a particular priority on anything growing in the grassland on the chimney side of the path.

Thanks to the enthusiastic work of a good number of volunteers, 9 in total including the work party leader, even more was achieved and saplings growing to the south side of the steps and path running down to the Greendown entrance were also able to be removed, protecting the important grassland and heathland habitat.

Photographs of the morning here

2.1 Clear all tree saplings and seedlings

3.2 Remove tree and shrub saplings from grassland and continue to keep existing area of grassland clear.

Saturday 5th October 2024

A beautiful fresh autumn morning with a small group of regular volunteers.

Two of the group recleared the Himalayan basalm that was regrowing and has been previously cleared. They also recut the paths into the area to allow access later in the month. They also managed to scale the hill and reach some of the difficult to get to growth, chopping the heads off individual plants before they go to seed but as they are mostly growing in amongst bramble they were impossible to pull.

The rest of the team worked up from the second entrance up Troopers Hill Road amongst the heather and broom towards the bench. There are still some saplings to clear towards the path but the hillside is looking good.

We didn't take out the large broom but got the oak out from amongst it. We cleared the smaller broom and oak and hawthorn from amongst the heather.

A couple of buzzards circling over-head; it was surprisingly quiet out on the hill for such a sunny Saturday morning.

10.4 Monitor Himalayan balsam and remove if necessary

11.4 Remove saplings scrub by pulling and cutting

Saturday 7th September 2024

A small group did some excellent work clearing scrub from the left-hand side of the main flight of steps up the Hill.

From the other side of the path we cleared some of the broom that was spreading into the heather near the patch of clear ground.

We also returned to the area where we have had Himalayan Balsam growing to clear some regrowth before the flowers seeded.

7.2 Cut scrub and tree saplings across area

10.4 Monitor Himalayan balsam and remove if necessary

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting

Saturday 17th August 2024

Good to see some new faces this morning.

In the some summer sunshine we worked on two areas above the second entrance up Troopers Hill Road.

Above the path parallel to Trooopers Hill Road, where bracken was spreading into the heather, we cleared a one metre wide strip to try and prevent it spreading further next year.

Below the path we removed several bags of saplings, bramble and some gorse where they were growing amongst the heather.

Thank you to everyone, including one of our volunteers who was doing one of her regular litter-picks of the site at the same time. Also to those who donated 'dumpy bags' to replace those of ours that were getting worn out.

Photographs of the morning here

10.6 Cut or pull bracken growing through heather and in other areas unsuitable for Parks cutting equipment

11.4 Remove saplings scrub by pulling and cutting

Thursday 8th August 2024

Some light rain this morning, but not enough to stop us.

The main task was to clear bracken from the Troopers Hill Road end of the Gully. This continued the work started in June.

A few years ago there was only bracken growing on the lower slopes around the path going into the Gully. Our work is weakening it so that flowering plants such as ragwort, golden rod and tansy have the chance to grow through it. As we want to leave these flowering plants as sources of pollen & nectar for invertebrates the area we pull by hand has increased and the areas cut by BCC have reduced.

Two of the group returned to the area where we have had Himalayan Balsam growing to clear bramble from the access to the area to ensure we can monitor any regrowth - they also removed a few plants that were showing their heads through the bramble outside the main area.

We also replaced the Welcome to Troopers Hill flag as it was starting to fray.

Photographs of the morning here

10.4 Monitor Himalayan balsam and remove if necessary

15.6 Hand pull or cut bracken from heather and broom on edges of areas cut by BCC

Saturday 27th July 2024

We had a good show of new volunteers today, 6 in fact with 4 regulars also present.

The weather was hot and we were all a bit drained by the heat. With the inexperienced crew and needing more rest breaks due to the temperature we worked quite slowly.

We tackled the remainder of the bracken growing to the left of the path rising from the gate at 111 Troopers Hill Road and tried to work into the heather, but we only really got a few metres off the path. We also took out bramble and saplings.

We also cleared the path through the overgrown bramble to our lower compost heap and we dumped the bramble and saplings there.

The heather was buzzing with bees, it's in full flower and looking very lovely, but it was just too hot to work.

Photographs of the morning here

11.2 Cut or pull bracken growing through heather and in other areas unsuitable for Parks cutting equipment

11.4 Remove saplings & scrub by pulling and cutting

Thursday 18th July 2024

It was hot hot hot on the Hill on Thursday but we managed to do some essential clearing.

We worked on the area above Sally's Glade.

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

Saturday 13th July 2024

We had a sunny morning, really hot at times. We could hear the broom pods cracking open across the heath.

We checked in on the HB site which two people worked to clear again. They recut the route in as the brambles are getting up and found a lot of new growth so we will check again in a couple of weeks.

The rest of the group worked up from the gate opposite 111 taking out the bracken especially where it was growing through the heather. One person worked the bottom bit of grassland taking out mostly bramble and saplings.

Photographs of the morning here

10.4 Monitor Himalayan balsam and remove if necessary

11.2 Cut or pull bracken growing through heather and in other areas unsuitable for Parks cutting equipment

11.4 Remove saplings & scrub by pulling and cutting

Saturday 29th June 2024

We cleared saplings from the south facing slope of the gully beneath the chimney (mostly holm oak but some Hawthorn).

The morning was unexpectedly sunny and the slope was steep and a sun trap, but everyone seemed happy.

Two of the group also worked in the Himalayan Balsam clearing for an hour removing the regrowth to keep on top of that.

10.4 Monitor Himalayan balsam and remove if necessary

13.1 Remove trees and scrub

13.2 Remove saplings

Thursday 20th June 2024

Fantastic work done by a small but energetic team. We cleared mainly bracken from the lovely heather at the end of the Gully.

We also checked the Himalayan balsam area, but there was no new growth visible.

15.6 Hand pull or cut bracken from heather and broom on edges of areas cut by BCC

Saturday 15th June 2024

We continued the work on the Himalayan Balsam that we started last month, including some growing through bramble a little away from the main area.

10.4 Monitor Himalayan balsam and remove if necessary

Thursday 23rd May 2024

This morning we started to tackle the area of Himalayan Balsam that we have been monitoring and ensuring we have access to over the last couple of months.

This is an area where we had first noticed some of this invasive weed in 2016. We organised a session then and returned in 2019, but since then the area had become too overgrown with bramble to access the few flowers that we had seen. The area is near where we had some gorse removed this winter, and the area was cleared to allow access.

Possibly because it is the first time for a while that some of this ground has been exposed to light, we noticed earlier in the year that a lot of Himalayan Balsam was sprouting.

Our aim this year is to remove all these plants before they have chance to produce seeds.

A good turn-out this morning meant that we were able to make a good start on what is a larger job than it first appeared. We pulled approximately two-thirds of the plants that we could see, we will return to complete the job next time. After that we shall continue to keep an eye on the area to remove, any further growth later in the season - it maybe that we missed some of the smaller plants where they are amongst other plants.

Photographs of the morning here

10.4 Monitor Himalayan balsam and remove if necessary

Saturday 18th May 2024

The main focus for the morning was removing the bracken growing amongst the grass either side of the steps from the third entrance down Troopers Hill Road.

Work over several years has significantly weakened the bracken here so that grass and some flowering plants have a chance to grow in what once was an area entirely covered with dark green bracken during the summer.

We also removed some bramble to ensure we could access the small patch of Himalayan Balsam at a future work party when it has grown more.

Photographs of the morning here

10.4 Monitor Himalayan balsam and remove if necessary

11.2 Cut or pull bracken growing through heather and in other areas unsuitable for Parks cutting equipment

Thursday 25th April 2024

Clearing saplings, brambles etc from the Gully, which seem to have grown well this Spring amongst the lovely heather.

Also tackled a small patch of Himalayan Balsam before it got going and produced seed.

Photographs of the morning here

10.4 Monitor Himalayan balsam and remove if necessary

13.2 Remove saplings, retain rowan

Saturday 20th April 2024

Working in an area we call 'lichen valley' we removed clumps of gorse and also saplings or bramble without entering the areas of thick scrub on edges of the valley.

We also cleared some bramble and nettles to ensure that we would have access to an area where Himalayan Balsam is growing later in the Spring when it is more mature.

Photographs of the morning here

15.10 Prevent further spread of gorse and scrub by removing new growth

10.4 Monitor Himalayan balsam and remove if necessary

Saturday 23rd March 2024

Today we worked on the area to the west of the steps up from the third entrance down Troopers Hill Road.

We cleared a lot of saplings and some bramble. Most of the group worked on the area near the top of slope. At previous sessions we have started at the bottom and worked up, so this area has been missed. Two of the group worked in the small bowl area next to the steps.

Unfortunately a heavy shower caught us around 11.15, so we had to pack up and finish early.

Photographs of the morning here

11.3 Clear broom

11.4 Remove saplings & scrub by pulling and cutting

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting

Thursday 14th March 2024

We were lucky to miss the showers as we worked in Sally's Glade to remove some low level bramble below the path. We also removed some saplings and bramble isolated strands of bramble from the area above the path.

Photographs of the morning here

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

Saturday 9th March 2024

On a cloudy but dry morning, we worked on removing bramble and saplings from the area above Sally's Glade.

Photographs of the morning here

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

Thursday 29th February 2024

Having had to cancel a session the previous week due to rain; we were disappointed to wake to rain again this morning. However, the forecast was for it to clear and it did indeed stop just in time to allow a small group of us to make a start just after 10am.

Working above the path parallel to Troopers Hill Road, we cleared some fairly large saplings including holm oak (Quercus ilex) and cotoneaster (Cotoneaster spp) which are particularly mentioned as needing removal in this compartment within the 2019 Management Plan. These saplings were at the top of an area that Bristol Parks Service had cleared of bramble as part of the 'winter works' and were overshadowing heather further up the hillside.

From this location it is a long drag to our disposal sites so we all felt we had a good work out. An excellent way to spend our extra day in this Leap Year.

Photographs of the morning here

15.2 Remove trees growing through scrub

Saturday 10th February 2024

Dry, with some sunshine and a good turnout on an excellent morning for getting stuck into some conservation work.

Today we were removing gorse where it was encroaching into heather near the eroded area on the the Hill and also in the 'humpy bumpy area' south of the gully. Last year was a good year for gorse growth and we lost count of the number of bags we removed.

As well as heather, the heathland here has patches of reindeer lichen (Cladonia portentosa).

At the end of last month, contractors paid with part of our grant from the BCC Climate and Ecological Emergency Community Grant Programme removed an area of older gorse further to the east.

The work we do complements the contractors' work, we focus on the gorse that appears amongst the heather and needs to be removed with hand tools.

As we enjoyed a coffee after the session we were joined by Elaine, who regularly carries out solo litter picks on the Hill.

Photographs of the morning here

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting

15.10 Prevent further spread of gorse and scrub by removing new growth

A.6 Litter pick

Saturday 20th January 2024

A good turn-out for our first Saturday Work Party of the New Year. The cold spell had ended, so no frost this morning, but there was a cold wind.

We contined the work we had started on Thursday in Sally's Glade; clearing a lot of saplings (particularly holm oak) and bramble.

We enjoyed coffee and a chat afterwards in a sheltered spot that we had just cleared at the edge of the heathland.

Photographs of the morning here

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

Thursday 18th January 2024

A very cold morning, well below freezing when we started, but the sun was shining and the work soon got us warmed up.

We worked around the path at the western side of Sally's Glade, removing saplings and small trees that were encroaching into the heathland.

While protecting the unique ecology of Troopers Hill is our main aim; removing trees and scrub near the edge of paths in the winter also reduces the need to cut back in the spring and summer.

Photographs of the morning here

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

Thursday 14th December 2023

The early morning drizzle cleared and we even had some bursts of sunshine as we continued the work started on Saturday.

We also worked on the other side of the path.

Another satisfying morning with good progress.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

7.2 Cut scrub and tree saplings across area

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting

Saturday 9th December 2023

We were doubtful when it was still raining at 9am, but as forecast the rain had stopped in time for our 10am start; though it was very windy thanks to Storm Elin.

We worked on clearing bramble and saplings from the slopes above the nursery, focusing on the 5m or so below the path.

Photographs of the morning here

7.2 Cut scrub and tree saplings across area

Thursday 30th November 2023

On a very cold frosty morning we continued the work to remove gorse that we started earlier in the month.

The aim today was to find the edge of the heather, clearing bramble, oak & other saplings as well as gorse.

Photographs of the morning here

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting

Sunday 5th November 2023

After a stormy week, we had a glorious sunny Sunday morning.

Today we were removing gorse from the area of heather near the eroded area on the the Hill. This south-facing slope is one of the most important on the site for inveretbrates; we remove gorse to prevent it from spreading into this area.

As well as heather, the heathland here has patches of reindeer lichen (Cladonia portentosa).

Last winter, contractors paid with part of our grant from the BCC Climate and Ecological Emergency Community Grant Programme removed a large area of gorse adjacent to this area. More work will be done this winter.

The work we do complements the contractors' work, we focus on the gorse that appears amongst the heather and needs to be removed with hand tools.

Photographs of the morning here

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting

Saturday 21st October 2023

In a gap between various bands of rain after a wet week, we turned our attention to the gully.

We removed scrub and saplings from the north side (south facing slopes) of the gully to protect the heathland and particularly the heather.

Photographs of the morning here

13.1 Remove trees and scrub

13.2 Remove saplings

Saturday 30th September 2023

This morning we focused on the area near where the duct from the chimney meets the path from the bottom of the Hill.

We removed bramble and saplings, also some broom where it was encroaching on the grassland and the informal path up to the chimney.

While we are retaining some areas of broom in this area, we need to prevent it spreading into the grassland.

Photographs of the morning here

2.1 Clear all tree saplings and seedlings

6.3 Keep woodland 3-4 metres from path edges

6.4 Clear all patches of scrub and tree saplings in grassland not addressed by 6.1-6.3

Sunday 10th September 2023

We aim to give as many people as possible the chance to join us on our work parties, so we tried a Sunday as a change.

This summer we have had a run of poor weather on Saturdays, but after a week of record breaking heat for September it was today that the showers came, meaning an early finish.

We were able to complete our main target for the day; that was to remove some Canadian Goldenrod - Solidago canadensis. We had identified in 2021 that this needed controlling in the triangle area between the two paths east of Sally's Glade, and we removed a lot of it last August. Today we dug out more of the roots; there were certainly significantly fewer plants.

Canadian Goldenrod is invasive, Native Goldenrod - Solidago virgaurea - on the other hand is an important foodplant for a wide range of moths and other insects and is one of the plants that we are particularly pleased to see on the Hill and has thrived this year.

While the digging was in progress, the rest of the group removed some sapplings from the adjacent area.

Photographs of the morning here

6.4 Clear all patches of scrub and tree saplings in grassland not addressed by 6.1-6.3

6.x Prevent spread of Canadian Goldenrod - Solidago canadensis - additional item, following discussion with ecology officer 2021

Saturday 19th August 2023

Following storm 'Betty' overnight, we were pleased to have a dry slot before the afternoon showers.

We continued our work on the bracken, this time moving to the end of the gully.

Two of the group replaced our welcome flag before joining the others in the gully.

A big thank you for the chocolate brownies that one of our volunteers brought along to be shared at the end of the session.

Photographs of the morning here

15.6 Hand pull or cut bracken from heather and broom on edges of areas cut by BCC

Thursday 17th August 2023

On a very warm and initially sunny morning we continued the work we had started last month pulling / cutting bracken where it was in grassland or amongst heather.

Our leader had selected three areas, the two highest priority areas were soon completed and we made good progress on the third. We also removed some bramble where it was necessary to get to the bracken.

We were pleased to see that some goldenrod had sprung up in an area we cleared last month.

Two of the group tidied our composting area down towards the lower chimney where we emptied the bags of bramble. Taking the bags down the steps one of our group saw a number of common lizards enjoying the warmth of the sun.

Photographs of the morning here

11.2 Cut or pull bracken growing through heather and in other areas unsuitable for Parks cutting equipment

Saturday 29th July 2023

After two wet Saturdays we were pleased that the showers held off.

We pulled some of the bracken on either side of the steps leading up from Troopers Hill Road. Bristol Parks had cut the thicker areas of bracken earlier in the month, we were tackling the areas where the bracken was more sparse and amonst grass and heather. We also took out some bramble.

We are gradually weakening the bracken in this area and certainly stopping it spreading further into the heather.

Photographs of the morning here

11.2 Cut or pull bracken growing through heather and in other areas unsuitable for Parks cutting equipment

Saturday 15th July 2023

We were hoping to miss the day's heavy showers and the blue skies and sunshine at 8am gave us hope. Then, right on cue at 10am, the heavens opened to again soak the ground. Although the sun soon came out again it was clear that the weather was not going to cooperate so we instead opted for coffee and a chat in our leader's house.

Thursday 22nd June 2023

More work in the area around Sally's Glade, in an area we could get to easily without tramping down to much grass etc.

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

Thursday 25th May 2023

As we are unable to work in areas of scrub or thick bramble in the bird nesting season we focus on small saplings and check carefully that there are no nests in the area.

Today we worked in the area near where the duct to the chimney leaves the path.

6.3 Keep woodland 3-4 metres from path edges

6.4 Clear all patches of scrub and tree saplings in grassland not addressed by 6.1-6.3

Saturday 20th May 2023

On a glorious sunny morning, a small group continued the work from April of clearing saplings and seedlings.

Today we worked in the Gully.

Photographs of the morning here

13.2 Remove saplings, retain rowan

Monday 8th May 2023

A planned session today was cancelled due forecast morning rain, though it actually stopped before 10am the ground would have been very wet.

Saturday 29th April 2023

A warmer morning than recently saw us clearing saplings and seedlings from the grassland between the northern edge of the gully and the path from the top of the Hill to Greendown, this is compartment 2 in the 2019 Management Plan.

Many of these had regrown after being cut in previous years. We left a rowan tree at the edge of the gully in accordance with the management plan (compartment 13).

We were pleased to have some sunshine as we sat and enjoyed a well earned coffee afterwards on the bench at the top of the Hill, some Ashy Mining bees were also enjoying the sunshine.

Photographs of the morning here

2.1 Clear all tree saplings and seedlings

13.2 Remove saplings, retain rowan

Thursday 27th April 2023

A further session working with ParkWork to repair a flight of steps in Troopers Hill Woods.

Another set of rotting steps were removed and replaced using the same construction method that we used last month.

Job done just as the first drops of the afternoon rain started.

Photographs of the morning here

Saturday 15th April 2023

In some welcome sunshine, we cleared bramble & saplings on the slope to the west of the steps to prevent the heather and grassland being overwhelmed.

We also removed some broom where it was in amongst the heather, a very satisfying morning's work.

Photographs of the morning here

11.3 Clear broom

11.4 Remove saplings & scrub by pulling and cutting

Thursday 6th April 2023

More work in Sally's Glade to finish off last month's task. The broom here was starting to come into flower and we saw the first Ashy Minning Bee of the year.

Two of our party also cleared some bramble from the area of dogwood at the top of the Hill.

Getting warm in the spring sunshine we were pleased to have a break part way through when Steve Clampin visited us, as a representative of the RHS, to present us with our 2022 Pride in Parks Award.

It stayed dry, until just as we were collecting together our tools at the end when one of the threatened April showers hit, to leave us sheltering from the rain rather than enjoying the view with a coffee.

Photographs of the morning here

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

Saturday 1st April 2023

A planned session today was cancelled due to persistent morning rain.

Thursday 23rd March 2023

A change of scene today as we worked with ParkWork to repair a flight of steps in Troopers Hill Woods.

This is on the path up from the layby area on Crews Hole Road, which was first established in 2012.

We first removed the existing steps before building the frame and installing the new steps, a passer by tested the steps as they were being completed - just before the rain arrived.

Photographs of the morning here

Saturday 18th March 2023

Another Saturday morning with some sunshine in Sally's Glade.

This time one of the group finished off the area below the path while most of us worked above the path, below the area of broom.

As well as bramble there were several hawthorn and Holm Oak saplings to remove.

Photographs of the morning here

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

Saturday 25th February 2023

Back to the area we call Sally's Glade; where the task was to take out some of the low growing bramble that was spreading into the grassland.

On a cold morning, we were pleased to get to work. We split into two groups one working below the path, an area cleared in February last year by a corporate group. This area has a good display of oxeye daisies in the spring and other flowering plants through the summer.

The other group tackled an area of bramble above the broom.

Photographs of the morning here

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

Thursday 23rd February 2023

A different task today, cutting back some buddleia. Working with ParkWork we cut back a large bush at the edge of an informal path at the edge of the woodland - the end result gives a clear area next to the path which will allow other plants to grow this spring. It will also mean that we won't have to keep cutting back new growth to keep the path clear.

You will often find butterflies and other insects taking nectar from buddleia flowers but for butterflies and moths it is more important to have plants that their caterpillars can feed on than a plant offering a quick hit of nectar which can be found in other, more useful plants.

In any case there is a lot of buddleia in the woods, so there will still be plenty of flowers around this summer.

Some of the leafy stems were put to one side and given to Streetgoat to feed their goats.

Photographs of the morning here

6.3 Keep woodland 3-4 metres from path edges

Saturday 18th February 2023

A very grey morning, with drizzle in the air, but very mild.

We worked on an area that we haven't visited for a while at the east end of the gully. As part of their winter works Bristol City Council Parks Service had cleared a lot of bramble up to the edge of the heather.

Our task was to remove bramble and saplings from the heather at the edge of these areas now that we had good access. We also raked off some of the areas that the Parks team had strimmed.

There is a long haul from here to our composting areas, so we had agreed in advance that the Parks service would collect our arisings on Monday if we stacked them in bags by the gate at Greendown.

Photographs of the morning here

13.1 Remove trees and scrub

15.1 Remove trees and scrub as per map 14

15.9 Remove scrub from mounds on north edge of compartment 15 from the western edge to the specimen birch tree on the north east side of compartment 15

Thursday 9th February 2023

No frost this morning; the overnight cloud soon cleared and it felt warm in the sunshine.

We worked to continue the excellent work our DEFRA team had started last month and achieved our target of clearing the area to the right of the path. We mostly removed bramble, but also some hawthorn, oak and cherry saplings.

After our efforts we very much enjoyed our coffee and a chat in the sunshine sitting by the steps.

Photographs of the morning here

9.1 Remove encroaching trees from scrub

9.2 Clear a strip 2m-3m wide of scrub and trees to both sides of path

Tuesday 31st January 2023
Corporate Volunteering - DEFRA

We were joined for the day by volunteers from DEFRA; some of whom had travelled from other parts of the country to join us (and for a work meeting in Bristol the day before).

Tasks for the day were in two areas of compartment 9 at the lowest part of the site. These are areas that the 2019 Management Plan states should be maintained as 'broom-dominated scrub' on either side of the path up from the lower chimney.

One of the areas is in a bowl which has become dominated by bramble. Clearance in winter 2020/21 had allowed some new broom to establish and today we cleared bramble from this broom and extended the cleared area.

It is interesting to compare this area with what it looked like in November 2011 when it was recovering from an earlier fire.

On the other side of the path a lot of saplings, particularly cherry were appearing. This area was missed in winter 2021/22, but in previous years keeping the scrub at bay has resulted in many flowering plants appearing on this south facing slope, including ox-eye daisies.

On the edges of the path stonecrop grows, this is a host plant for Phytomyza sedi a tiny dull blackish leaf-mining fly, recorded for the first time in Britain on Troopers Hill in 2006 by David Gibbs - reports on invertebrates recoded on Troopers Hill can be seen here.

After a good morning's work, the group were pleased to be able to enjoy a picnic lunch in the sun at the top of the Hill on a relatively mild day - before walking back down the Hill to clear more bramble and saplings in the afternoon.

A big thank you to the DEFRA team for their efforts, and to a local resident for allowing use of theeir loo!

Photographs of the day here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

9.1 Remove encroaching trees from scrub

9.2 Clear a strip 2m-3m wide of scrub and trees to both sides of path

Thursday 26th January 2023

Working with ParkWork we did some more work on the steps from the second entrance up Troopers Hill Road (compartment 11) replacing five of them with new timbers.

We also removed from saplings from alongside the path that runs parallel to Troopers Hill Road.

Photographs of the morning here

11 Maintain steps

15.1 Remove trees and scrub as per map 14

A.1 Keep all paths clear of overgrowth and cut back by 2m on either side

Saturday 21st January 2023

We had a very good turn out on a very cold and misty morning.

The main focus of the day was removing broom and gorse from the area of heather above the eroded area on the the Hill. This south-facing slope is one of the most important on the site for inveretbrates and while we want to keep broom on other parts of the Hill we have to remove it here to protect the heather and flowers such as native golden rod that appear here in the summer.

We also remove gorse to prevent it from spreading into this area. During the preceeding week contractors paid with part of our grant from the BCC Climate and Ecological Emergency Community Grant Programme had been removing a large area of gorse adjacent to this area.

As well as removing the broom and gorse, we raked of an area to the south of the path, with Bristol Parks had strimmeed the bramble and scrub as part of the regular winter works, removing the cut material helps keep a low level of nutrients in the soil which should reduce regrowth. We also replaced our flag as the existing one was starting to get tatty.

Photographs of the morning here

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting

12.2 Remove all scrub from south section of compartment below path parallel with Troopers Hill Rd as part of winter works.

Thursday 5th January 2023

For our first session of a new year a small group continued the work near Sally's Glade that we had started on 14th Dec.

A further session planned for Saturday 14th January had to be cancelled due to rain and the very wet ground.

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

Wednesday 14th December 2022

Another cold morning, with patches of Saturday night's snow still on the ground.

We focused today on clearing bramble, saplings and some broom from the area above Sally's Glade.

The Parks Service team had been hard at work over the previous two days adjacent to where we were working clearing with strimmers and their Scag. While some areas need to be be cleared by machine, we are able to be selective in the areas that we work in, leaving heather and other plants to benefit wildlife.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

Saturday 10th December 2022

A very cold and frosty morning, but we soon got warm once we started working in the glorious sunshine.

We continued the work started by the Environment Agency group last month, working our way further up the hill and uncovering a lot of heather that was struggling beneather the broom.

One of our group also cut down some buddleia that was starting to collapse across a path.

There was a robin hopping around where we cut the buddleia and a bumble bee buzzed past in the heather, there were also a range of fungi.

Photographs of the morning here

6.3 Keep woodland 3-4 metres from path edges

7.1 Clear woodland edge to a width of between 5m & 7m

Wednesday 30th November 2022
Corporate Volunteering - Environment Agency

We were joined for the day by a team from the Environment Agency; some of whom had been in the group who visited in October 2019 - we were pleased to welcome them back.

Our activities on a day that was grey but not too cold, focused on either side of the path leading up the middle section of the Hill. We were clearing saplings, some broom and bramble where these were spreading into areas of heathland with heather.

Below the path we worked along the woodland edge uncovering and clearing the edge of the heather, this is at the boundary of the natural ground surface, beyond are old quarries that were filled with building rubble in the 1960s before the woodland grew up.

" Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it and by all accounts no one had trouble sleeping last night, you worked us well!"

Thank you to the Pied Horse for providing lunchtime loo facilities and a big thank you to the team for their enthusiastic work and their generous donation.

Photographs of the day here

7.1 Clear woodland edge to a width of between 5m & 7m

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting

Saturday 19th November 2022

Today we focused on an area of srub and saplings in the area near where the route of the old flue to the chimney joins the path up the Hill.

Several full bags were removed to our composting area, but once the work was complete it was difficult to see where we had been as the area was returned to grassland.

Photographs of the morning here

2.1 Clear all tree saplings and seedlings

6.4 Clear all patches of scrub and tree saplings in grassland not addressed by 6.1-6.3

Saturday 12th November 2022

A very mild morning for November, in fact it was warm in the sunshine.

We tackled an area where several fairly large saplings had been getting themselves established amongst the heather. This was near the large birch on the humps south of the gully and the informal path down to the gully.

Afterwards as we sat enjoying our coffee we talked about the recent sightings of a Dartford Warbler and what had been found on a fungi survey carried out while we had been working by North Somerset and Bristol Fungus Group

Photographs of the morning here

15.9 Remove scrub from mounds on north edge of compartment 15 from the western edge to the specimen birch tree on the north east side of compartment 15

Thursday 20th October 2022

The overnight rain cleared just in time for our 10am start.

The three tasks for today were first to replace the Welcome to Troopers Hill Flag which had become frayed - this involves lowering the pole, attaching the new flag and then pushing the pole back upright.

Secondly, while we were in the area, we removed some bramble on the bank above the path near the flag, which was too steep the Council's Parks team's machine to clear when they cleared the area around the flag earlier in the month.

Thirdly, having dragged the bags of cut bramble to our disposal point, we cleared the access route to our compost heap ready for further work in Sally's Glade (compartment 5) at later sessions.

Photographs of the morning here

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

A.1 Keep all paths clear of overgrowth and cut back by 2m on either side

Saturday 8th October 2022

On a glorious sunny autumn morning we cleared several bags of saplings and bramble from the edge of the path at the top of the slope down to the children's nursery.

As always we were also able to admire the wildlife on the Hill, some fungi and some flowers still in bloom. As we drank coffee after the work we watched buzzards having disputes with crows.

Photographs of the morning here

7.2 Cut scrub and tree saplings across area

A.1 Keep all paths clear of overgrowth and cut back by 2m on either side

Thursday 22nd September (& 27th October) 2022

This month's ParkWork session continued the work to the steps, started in August.

More work was done in October

11 Maintain steps

Thursday 15th September 2022

A small group woorked on removing bramble and other scrub from the area above Sally's Glade.

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

Thursday 25th August 2022

Working with ParkWork this session focused on the steps from the second entrance up Troopers Hill Road and area around them (compartment 11).

Some of the wooden steps needed replacing and soil needed clearing from the front face. We also removed some of the bracken that had regrown after its first cut earlier in the year.

11.2 Cut or pull bracken growing through heather and in other areas unsuitable for Parks cutting equipment

11 Maintain steps

Saturday 20th August 2022

Over the last couple of years Canadian Goldenrod - Solidago canadensis has been spreading in the triangle area between the two paths east of Sally's Glade.

Native Goldenrod - Solidago virgaurea - is an important foodplant for a wide range of moths and other insects and is one of the plants that we are particularly pleased to see on the Hill. Canadian Goldenrod, on the other hand, is invasive and we were advised that we should remove it if it spreads too much.

So this morning (with much cooler weather than last weekend) we cut down all the Canadian Goldenrod that we could see in the area before it went to seed and dug out the roots of the larger patches - these will be composted off site.

Photographs of the morning here

6.x Prevent spread of Canadian Goldenrod - Solidago canadensis - additional item, following discussion with ecology officer 2021

Saturday 6th August 2022

On a lovely sunny morning (not too hot) we cleared gorse from the south facing slope near the eroded area, where heather and goldenrod were in full bloom.

Photographs of the morning here

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting

July 2022

Due to a combination of holidays and work party leaders having Covid, our planned sessions in July, including the 'Fourth Thursday' session with ParkWork, had to be cancelled.

Tuesday 28th June 2022
CLF Post 16 - Community Action Day

We were very pleased to host a group from year-12 at Cabot Learning Federation Post 16 as part of their Community Action Day.

In the morning the group completed the work we had started the day before, clearing bracken in areas where there was a good diversity of other plants being over shadowed. This was done both sides of the Gully.

After a picnic lunch the group cleared saplings from the bowl area in the gully.

We enjoyed working with an enthusiastic young group and hope that CLF will return to the Hill in the future.

Photographs of the morning here

13.2 Remove saplings, retain rowan

15.6 Hand pull or cut bracken from heather and broom on edges of areas cut by BCC

Monday 27th June 2022

A small group tackled an area of bracken at the east end of the gully

We were very pleased that removing the bracken revealed a good diversity of other plants, in previous years much of this area had been so dominated by the bracken that little else was surviving. This suggests that we are having a long-term impact in reducing the bracken cover.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

15.6 Hand pull or cut bracken from heather and broom on edges of areas cut by BCC

Thursday 23rd June 2022

Joe from Parkwork brought some 'tree poppers' to try out to remove some of the blackthorn suckers that are spreading into the grassland from the hedge at Greendown.

We found that most of the saplings were too young for the tree popper to grip, so we ended up removing them with loppers. The aim is to weaken their growth and prevent them overshadowing this area of grass later in the summer.

We are very pleased that there is a lot of yellow rattle spreading in this area - this should weaken the grass and allow an even wider range of flowering plants to grow here in future years. This area of grassland is the only area on Troopers Hill that needs cutting. It has a hay cut once a year in late summer.

1.x Remove blackthorn suckers in grassland - additional item, following discussion with ecology officer June 2022

Saturday 11th June 2022

On a sunny morning we worked on the area adjacent to where we were on 21st May, this time focusing on the bracken.

We are aiming to reduce the bracken here and cutting or pulling it in June will take energy from the rhizome as it regrows. There was clear evidence that we are succeeding in the amount of grass and flowering plants growing in areas which were previously 100% bracken.

To the left of the path areas of heather were just coming into flower, we have certainly stopped the spread of bracken in this area.

As we were working we saw meadow brown and marbled white butterflies as will as a range of spiders, grasshoppers, crickets & a lacewing.

Photographs of the morning here

11.2 Cut or pull bracken growing through heather and in other areas unsuitable for Parks cutting equipment

Thursday 26th May 2022

A small group working with Joe from Parkwork cleared lots of saplings and some broom from the south facing slopes above the gully.

These slopes are an important habitat for various invertebrates with their exposed areas of rock and some heather and need to be kept clear of trees and scrub.

13.1 Remove trees and scrub

Saturday 21st May 2022

An ethusiastic group assembled on what became a warm morning by the side of Troopers Hill Road to tackle and area that we last visited in March 2019

We were clearing broom, bramble & saplings on the slope to the west of the steps to prevent the heather and grassland being overwhelmed. This was well timed as most of the broom had finished flowering and the heather will soon be in bloom.

Photographs of the morning here

11.3 Clear broom

11.4 Remove saplings & scrub by pulling and cutting

Saturday 30th April 2022

The weather was unexpectedly good as we cleared some of the saplings and bramble growing amonst broom and in the grass land in the area south of the gully.

15.10 Prevent further spread of gorse and scrub by removing new growth

15.11 Keep flat areas at top of gully clear of scrub

Thursday 7th April 2022

Blustery day for this hard working crew today. Footpath edge trimming back , but not too far in case of nesting birds and sleeping critters.

15/16 - A.1 Keep all paths clear of overgrowth and cut back by 2m on either side

Thursday 24th March 2022

ParkWork were back on the Hill with students from City of Bristol College continuing to repair steps around the Hill.

On a glorious sunny they carried out some much needed work to the steps on the path that runs parrallel to Troopers Hill Road.

15/16 Maintain steps

Saturday 12th March 2022

We continued the work we started on Thursday, starting in brilliant sunshine and with only one brief shower.

As well as clearing the scrub we also cleared the cross drains on the adjacent path.

During the Work Party, we saw a brimstone butterfly pass by and, as we drank coffee afterwards, we spotted various invertebrates, including two caterpillars (of a scarlet tiger moth and a brimstone moth).

Photographs of the morning here

6.1 In rotation cut 50% tall herb, scrub and tree saplings east of main path

6.3 Keep woodland 3-4 metres from path edges

Thursday 10th March 2022

On a mild but cloudy morning we cleared some bramble and saplings from along side the path near where the duct used to come down from the chimney.

We are leaving some broom scrub here, but want to prevent the spread of scrub and saplings into areas of heather, as well as keeping it back from the path edge.

Photographs of the morning here

6.1 In rotation cut 50% tall herb, scrub and tree saplings east of main path

6.3 Keep woodland 3-4 metres from path edges

Thursday 24th February 2022
Corporate Volunteering - BT Bristol

ParkWork were unable to join us for this month's fourth Thursday 'just turn up' session, but we were pleased to be joined by some of our regular volunteers and a small group of graduates working for BT in Bristol.

We were able to complete the clearance of bramble and saplings from the area above the path in Sally's Glade. We are leaving most of the broom in this area.

One of our volunteers also did some litter picking over the Hill.

After a lunch break at Summerhill Methodist Church, the BT group returned in the afternoon for another session at the edge of the woodland above the glade. This is an area where scrub is spreading into an area of heathland.

We were lucky to miss most of the forecast showers, the only one that hit us was when we were looking at the chimney at the end of our lunch break, it was quite spectaular watching the hail blow across the valley below us.

Photographs of the day here

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

A.6 Litter pick

Saturday 19th February 2022

The planned session was cancelled due to correctly forecast rain & wind on the day after Storm Eunice.

Monday 14th February 2022
Corporate Volunteering - SJP

Today we were joined for both a morning and afternoon session by a team from SJP who are based in Aztec West.

We set to work on the lower section of Sally's Glade which had become very overgrown with bramble over the last couple of years. The threatened showers held off and the hard work of the group allowed us to clear all of our priority area.

Hopefully this will allow a good show of spring and summer flowers as a supply of nectar & pollen for the solitary bees that live on the Hill.

In the afternoon, while most of the group completed the work on the bramble, a small team cut back an elder at the top of the Hill to improve the sightlines from the entrance and open up a route around the back of the patch of dogwood.

Photographs of the day here

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

A7 Keep all entrances clear of vegetation with good sightlines

Friday 11th February 2022
Student Volunteering Week

A busy few days on the Hill continued with a visit from a very enthusiastic group from Bristol University Students Union as part of 'Student Volunteering Week'.

Half the group continued the work we had started with a group from DEFRA in November; this was clearing bramble, saplings and broom from the steep slopes above the nursery.

The other students worked at the edge of this important area of heathland, again clearing bramble and saplings, but also some larger birch trees that had become established over the last couple of years.

After a busy morning, we were able to get a group photo before they caught taxis back to the city centre.

Thank you to Bristol Parks for organising the session.

Photographs of the morning here

7.2 Cut scrub and tree saplings across area

Thursday 10th February 2022

We continued the work above Sally's Glade that we started on 15th January - working around the top of the area of broom and also removing some bramble from amongst it.

Photographs of the morning here

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

Saturday 5th February 2022

Our task for today was to clear the edge of the heathland around the site of the 'Greendown Oak'. Sadly this tree was lost in 2020; we are allowing some patches of bramble to grow around the edge of the bowl but want to stop this spreading into the adjacent heather.

A very enjoyable morning and a chance to sit sheltered from the wind for a chat afterwards.

Photographs of the morning here

14.2 Cut and maintain a "firebreak" into the bramble growing into the borders of compartment 13 and 15

Thursday 27th January 2022

We were pleased to welcome ParkWork back for their first visit this year with students from City of Bristol College. This group will be carrying out step repairs at various places around the Hill over the next few months, today they worked on the steps up from the lower chimney.

At the same time some of our volunteers were clearing some of the bramble and small trees at the side of the path.

Photographs of the morning here

9.1 Remove encroaching trees from scrub

9.2 Clear a strip 2m-3m wide of scrub and trees to both sides of path

9.3 Repeat clearance along path

9.4 Maintain steps

Saturday 15th January 2022

A cloudy morning, but the frost was thawing fast and our activity soon warmed us up.

We returned to Sally's Glade and cleared a lot of bramble and saplings from the eastern edge of the area of broom, next to an area that Bristol Parks had cleared with their SCAG as part of the planned winter works.

Photographs of the morning here

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

Monday 10th January 2022

Some early morning rain cleared just before we started, to leave a grey day.

As the ground was so wet, we changed our plans and worked on the area adjacent to the allotment fence to avoid steep slopes.

We cleared a lot of oak and holm oak saplings as well as some bramble at the edge of the grassland and under one of the oak trees together with half a bag of litter.

As there was some drizzle as we finished, our small group decided to get home rather than stay out having a coffee.

Photographs of the morning here

3.2 Remove tree and shrub saplings from grassland and continue to keep existing area of grassland clear.

A.6 Litter pick

Saturday 11th December 2021

On our final session for the year, we continued the work in the area above Sally's Glade that we were working on earlier in the month.

It was a dull grey day, but not too cold and the rain held off; we were pleased to finish the year with our largest group and we got a lot done.

Afterwards, we enjoyed coffee and a chat by the newly replaced bench looking over the City.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

Thursday 2nd December 2021

A sunny but cold morning; it was good to find some shelter from the wind at the edge of Sally's Glade.

We cleared bramble and scrub from the area around the two goat willows and up to the area where we worked on 13th November.

We were pleased to uncover some heather, clearing this area will prevent it becoming woodland while keeping the two goat willows.

A robin was very interested in our work, hopping around while we sat afterwards drinking coffee.

Photographs of the morning here

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

Thursday 25th November 2021
Corporate Volunteering - DEFRA

A busy day on Troopers Hill, as well as one of the regular visits from ParkWork along with students from City of Bristol College; we had a group of volunteers from the DEFRA office in Bristol.

Friends of Trooopers Hill and the DEFRA group enjoyed clearing broom and other scrub, including a fair bit of bramble from the slopes above the nursery on Crews Hole Road. This is a wonderful bank of heather, but in recents years much more broom has been appearing.

At the same time ParkWork and the College students were repairing one of the steps on the path and leveling the stone on a section where the runoff from summer storms had formed a deep grove.

Photographs of the day here

7.2 Cut scrub and tree saplings across area

All Maintenance of paths & steps

Saturday 20th November 2021

There are lots of areas on the Hill that need work this winter. Today we focused on the area where the duct from the chimney comes down to the path. We are keeping some broom here but there is lots of other scrub that needs removing to protect the grassland.

Photographs of the morning here

6.4 Clear all patches of scrub and tree saplings in grassland not addressed by 6.1-6.3

Saturday 13th November 2021

On another very mild morning, in fact warm when the sun came out, we returned to the area above 'Sally's Glade' where we walked on 14th October.

This time we focused on clearing bramble from the areas of broom we want to remain. This meant removing some broom to give access into the larger areas.

We again saw a good range of waxcaps amongst the grassland and Susan was able to show these to some young visitors that walked past. Then as we chatted over coffee we were visited by a lot of harlequin ladybirds, which were attracted to one of our volunteers in particular.

Photographs of the morning here

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

Saturday 23rd October 2021

On a cloudy but not too cold morning we cleared a lot of scrub from the areas above the gully on the south side.

Some of these area will be cleared by Bristol Parks in the winter, we concentrated on the areas where the scrub - including, bramble, saplings, gorse & bromm - was spreading into area of heather and grassland.

Some patches of heather had completely disappeared under bramble.

Photographs of the morning here

15.1 Remove trees and scrub

Thursday 14th October 2021

On warm October morning we worked on the area above 'Sally's Glade'

We removed a lot of saplings and bramble as well as some of the broom, particularly where it was encroaching on the path. There is more to do in this area later in the winter.

We know from previous years that some of this area is excellent for fungi, particularly waxcaps - we were pleased to find both the green parrot waxcap and the amber blackening waxcap as well as mycena.

Photographs of the morning here

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

Saturday 25th September 2021

A planned session on 21st August was cancelled due to heavy rain and leaders' availability meant only one session in September.

However, the weather was good and we cleared a lot of saplings along the path and down the hillside above the nursery.

A small party but we still managed to remove 4 full sacks of cuttings!

Photographs of the morning here

7.2 Cut scrub and tree saplings across area

Saturday 31st July & Thursday 12th August 2021

Our work on the wonderful area of heather on the south facing slopes of the Hill continued; moving further down the slope from our previous session.

For these sessions we particularly focussed on the gorse that has been spreading into the area and also removed some broom.

Lots of goldenrod was in flower amongst the heather and we were careful not to trample this important plant.

While in the area, one of the group also cut back some bramble at the edge of an informal path up to the chimney.

Photographs of both sessions here

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting

A.1 Keep all paths clear of overgrowth and cut back by 2m on either side

Friday 16th July 2021

On a very hot and sunny morning a small group removed broom and some bramble to avoid the heather (which was in full flower) being covered over.

Photographs here

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting

Thursday 24th June 2021

Another warm morning, today we moved to the end of the gully to remove the bracken from the heather at the edges of an area where most of the bracken had been strimmed by Bristol Parks.

Some of the group also then moved to remove saplings from further up the gully.

In the meantime Bristol Parks were grass cutting on the Field.

Photographs here

13.2 Remove saplings

15.6 Hand pull or cut bracken from heather and broom on edges of areas cut by BCC

Saturdays 12th & 19th June 2021

On a very warm morning on the 12th (one of those days when it is a relief when the sun goes behind a cloud) we returned to the area of bracken that we tackled last year on our first session after the 1st lockdown.

The grass is again thriving on the right-hand side of the path and the recent warm weather after a damp May has has also allowed more bramble to grow in this area than it had last year.

Our wildlife highlight was a large spider with a very large egg sac.

Saturday 19th was much cooler but still dry, allowing us to have another session of bracken pulling in this area.

Photographs here

11.2 Cut or pull bracken growing through heather and in other areas unsuitable for Parks cutting equipment

Saturday 29th May 2021

Some bursts of sunshine on a warm morning after a relatively cold and wet month.

We continued with the work in Sally's Glade clearing another are of bramble and sapling regrowth. There were one or two patches of heather hidden under the bramble.

A frog jumped away from us as we were clearing up at the end and we had a very brief glimpse of a common lizard.

ParkWork and City of Bristol College, had also continued their work removing some saplings and improving another rain water diversion channels on the path on the previous Thursday.

Photographs here

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

6.4 Clear all patches of scrub and tree saplings in grassland not addressed by 6.1-6.3

All Maintenance of paths & steps

Saturday 15th & Thursday 20th May 2021

On Saturday, the overnight rain cleared to give a dry morning for what was the last session where we were limited to the rule of six. We will continue to work in small pre-booked groups while Covid restrictions remain in place but are able to increase numbers as we enter the next stage of the 'roadmap'.

The broom is now fully in flower across the Hill, this session was clearing the low lying strands of bramble to leave some clear areas of grassland amongst the broom in Sally's Glade.

This work was continued with another small group on the Thursday morning. There was strong wind but the forecast rain held off until after we had finished. It was good to be able to uncover some of the mouseear hawkweed and other plants that were trying to poke up beneath the brambles and hawthorn.

On the previous Thursday ParkWork had run a session with City of Bristol College, removing some saplings and improving one of the rain water diversion on channels on the path in compartment 6. This group will also be working to repair some of the steps around the Hill over the coming months.

Photographs here

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

6.4 Clear all patches of scrub and tree saplings in grassland not addressed by 6.1-6.3

All Maintenance of paths & steps

Individual Conservation Work - April 2021

In addition to the small group sessions described below, some of our group continued with the volunteer activities they had been doing as individuals or in pairs during the lockdown.

As well as conservation work, there was lots of litter picking completed, particularly in the early part of the month when the Hill was very busy.

Photographs of areas of individual conservation work here

2.1 Clear all tree saplings and seedlings

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

11.4 Remove saplings scrub by pulling and cutting

A.6 Litter pick

Saturday 24th April 2021

Great progress working under blue skies. Five full bags of saplings gathered and disposed of as we made our way through most of the gully.

We have run more work parties than normal under the rule of six this month to give a chance for as many people as possible to take part.

Photographs of the morning here

13.2 Remove saplings

Saturday 10th April 2021

With the cold but dry weather continuing we cleared some saplings & light scrub from the upper side of the path parallel to Troopers Hill Rd.

This is an area with a lot of heather that could be lost if saplings & scrub are not controlled.

Photographs of the morning here

15.1 Remove trees and scrub

A.1 Keep all paths clear of overgrowth and cut back by 2m on either side

Saturday 3rd & Wednesday 7th April 2021

Back to work again in socially distanced groups of six.

On Saturday five regulars and one new face worked with loppers and pruning saws to clear some of the gorse amongst heather or growing flat on the ground that was not removed by the contractor's brush cutters when the gorse regrowth was cleared from this area at the beginning of March. It was a dry, bright spring morning, though with a cold wind.

Wednesday was also cold, a different group of six cleared some saplings and scrub from the south side of the gully.

Photographs of both sessions here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

10.1 Fell broom and gorse progressively, starting from western and south-eastern edges of area

15.1 Remove trees and scrub

5th January to 28th March 2021

Our Conservation Work Parties were again suspended due the Covid-19 restrictions in 'Lockdown 3'.

Volunteering continued to be allowed for people working alone or with one other person so you may have seen some of our regular volunteers working on minor tasks during the lockdown as part of their daily exercise.

A BIG thank you to everyone who helped keep the Hill clean during this period either by volunteering for litter picking or just by making sure they put their litter in a bin or take it home.

During this period Bristol Parks also carried out their regular 'winter works' to clear some areas of scrub and bramble. In addition Green Mantle caried out a further phase of work removing regrowth of the gorse that had been cleared as part of our Ways to Nature Project. All this work was in accordance with our 2019 Management Plan.

Thursday 17th December 2020

After a break for the second 'lockdown', we resumed our work parties in socially distanced groups of six. For this first session we only invited volunteers who had been with us before.

Our activities focused on the area around the oak tree that fell earlier in the year. The biggest challenge working in this area is dragging the material across the Hill to our disposal point.

We were very lucky to have a relatively mild but sunny morning in what has been a very wet few weeks.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

14.1 Remove tree seedlings and saplings

14.2 Cut and maintain a "firebreak" into the bramble growing into the borders of compartment 13 and 15

14.3 Maintain small area of bramble for birds

14.4 Keep oak stumps clear of overgrowth to allow access to continue for natural play.

A.6 Litter pick

5th November
to 2nd December 2020

During this period our Conservation Work Parties were suspended due the second 'lockdown' restrictions.

Volunteering continued to be allowed for people working alone or with one other person.

Some of our regular volunteers worked on the tasks below during this period.

We also had two visits during this time from ParkWork working with City of Bristol College, the results of their work will be visible in the Spring.

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities carried out during 'lockdown2' (ref no. indicates compartment)

4.4 Reduce dogwood to half current extent by digging out

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

9.1 Remove encroaching trees from scrub

9.2 Clear a strip 2m-3m wide of scrub and trees to both sides of path

13.1 Remove trees and scrub

A.6 Litter pick

Wednesday 4th November 2020

Our last socially distanced rule of six work session before the second 'lockdown' - we had planned this date over a week before and struck lucky in picking the day before the new restrictions came into effect.

There was also some fabulous weather - glorious sunshine after a frosty morning, a contrast to the mild wet & windy weather of the previous couple of weeks.

We continued moving south from where we were last time, with the main focus being on removing birch and other saplings.

As we worked we uncovered some fly agaric, which has been popping up in various places on the Hill over the last week or so. Some of the other fungi from around the Hill can be seen in our Virtual Fungi Foray from last month.

At the end of the session we replaced our '25 years' flag with our normal 'Welcome to Troopers Hill' flag. The pandemic has meant that we were not able to celebrate 25 years of Troopers Hill being a Local Nature Reserve in the way that we had hoped but we will make up for that when the crisis is over. We also delivered the painting we are auctioning to raise funds to replace the red slide to a local shop to go on display.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

6.4 Clear all patches of scrub and tree saplings in grassland not addressed by 6.1-6.3

Tuesday 20th October 2020

Four of us made good progress on removing saplings along with bramble and some broom from the area of grassland either side of the route of the duct that used to run up to the chimney.

We were lucky to miss the showers for what was a very enjoyable couple of hours with the conversation covering a wide range of subjects. At one point we were interupted by the noise from a large group of crows that had taken a dislike to a local cat that had followed its owner across the Hill.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

2.1 Clear all tree saplings and seedlings

6.4 Clear all patches of scrub and tree saplings in grassland not addressed by 6.1-6.3

A6 Litter pick

Thursdays 15th & 22nd October 2020

We were pleased to welcome ParkWork back to the Hill for their first sessions since the start of the pandemic.

On the first visit a larger than usual group (including students from City of Bristol College) worked on maintaining the steps. They also started clearing some bramble to the left of the path up from the lower chimney to allow us to clear some saplings that are starting to get established in an area that we wantto maintain as broom scrub.

We continued this work on the second visit. The plan is for ParkWork to visit on two Thursdays each month through the winter.

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

9.1 Remove encroaching trees from scrub

9.4 Maintain steps

Monday 5th October 2020

After a very wet weekend we were pleased to have dry weather and even some bursts of sunshine as we cleared saplings in the 'triangle area' east of Sally's Glade.

A frog we disturbed was carefully put out of the way so it wasn't trodden on.

One of our group also cleared some bramble from under one of the trees near the new path on Troopers Hill Field.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

6.2 Cut all tall herbs and scrub in north section of compartment 6 enclosing the “V” of the path that comes down from the Hill and the path that goes west into the woodland.

Saturday 19th September 2020

We had a full house and the weather was great.

We managed to clear the left hand side of the path above the nursery and had some time left over at the end to clear some of the broom on the right hand side.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

7.2 Cut scrub and tree saplings across area

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting

Saturday 5th September 2020

Five volunteers assembled to continue works we started at the end of July clearing bramble and saplings from the heathland.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

12.2 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting

Wednesday 26th August 2020

Four of us revisited the area of bracken we had cleared in June to remove the regrowth.

The new growth was much weaker and the heavy rain from Storm Francis the day before had softened the ground to make pulling it much easier. Clearing it again this month will further weaken the rhizome so that the grasses and flowering plants that have now appeared in this area will hopefully flourish even more next year.

There were lots of grasshoppers watching us work..

Once the bracken was cleared we replaced the Troopers Hill 25-years flag, that we had taken down the week before for minor repairs.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

11.2 Cut or pull bracken growing through heather and in other areas unsuitable for Parks cutting equipment

Thursday 13th August 2020

We are now getting into the swing of working under the new restrictions. Five of us assembled at the top of the Hill and walked down towards Greendown to start work on another warm summer morning.

The aim was to clear some of the saplings that have appeared in the grassland, with our leader pointing out some of the targets as we walked down. We then worked our way back up Hill cutting and bagging the saplings before dragging them to one of our disposal points.

There was some light refreshing showers, and one of our members spotted a ladybird proving that its coat was waterproof.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

2.1 Clear all tree saplings and seedlings

Friday 31st July 2020

On the hottest day of the year we were glad that we were working in the morning.

We cleared several large bags worth of bramble and saplings from the area to the left of the path, working up through compartment 11 to compartment 12. Some of the heather, which was looking fantastic, was rapidly disappearing under oak and hawthorn saplings.

There were lots of grasshopper, crickets and butterflies around, we also saw a very interesting looking spider.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

11.2 Cut or pull bracken growing through heather and in other areas unsuitable for Parks cutting equipment

12.2 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting

Saturday 11th July 2020

On a sunny and increasingly warm morning, six of us socially distancing, walked down from the top of the hill to work at the end of the gully.

We first cleared bracken from the heather at the edge of an area where BristolParks had cut the bracken earlier in the week.

We then moved further into the gully to remove saplings, which were mostly of oak and holm oak, from the bowl area.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

13.2 Remove saplings, retain rowan

13.6 Cut or pull bracken growing through heather and in other inaccessible areas

15.6 Hand pull or cut bracken from heather and broom on edges of areas cut by BCC

Wednesday 1st July 2020

On a much cooler day there was a light shower as the five of us assembled but later the sun appeared.

Following on from the work started last week, we successfully cleared the remaining bracken in what is now grassland on the right-hand side of the path.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

11.2 Cut or pull bracken growing through heather and in other areas unsuitable for Parks cutting equipment

Friday 26th June 2020

This was our first conservation work party in accordance with the Council's protocol to allow volunteering to resume with small groups (max 6). This initial session was by invitation, please contact us if you are interested in joining future sessions.

On a very hot morning the six of us cleared bracken either side of the path leading up from the second entrance up Troopers Hill Road, all working to ensure social distancing.

By cutting or pulling bracken in June and then again in August it is weakened over time - our aim is to eradicate it from this area. To the left of the path there is a lot of heather which would be lost if the area was strimmed by the Council - who do strim some of the areas where only bracken is growing.

The area to the right of the path was strimmed last year, but this year grasses have been able to thrive and overshadow the weakened bracken, so we have asked Bristol Parks not to strim this section.

This area was alive with butterflies and there are other plants growing amongst the grass - a good demonstration of what can be achieved if the area of bracken is reduced.

Sadly the restrictions mean that we were unable to finish with our usual coffee & biscuits.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

11.2 Cut or pull bracken growing through heather and in other areas unsuitable for Parks cutting equipment

March to June 2020

Our Conservation Work Parties from mid-March until mid-June 2020 were cancelled due to the Coronavirus crisis

Some volunteering was allowed for people working alone or with one other person. Several members of Troopers Hill helped keep the Hill looking good by doing litter picks over this period. A small number also did some cutting of bramble and saplings where they were appearing in grassland.

Saturday 7th March 2020

Today focused on the area above Sally's Glade, removing saplings (including several Holm Oak at the woodland edge) and bramble from the grassland and heathland.

There is a small gully here that is particularly good for waxcaps (both parrot and blackening waxcaps are often seen here).

Meanwhile a litter picking team, with two very young members, covered both the Hill and the Field.

Mild & cloudy, but the wind was starting to pick up as we had our coffee and biscuits.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

2.1 Clear all tree saplings and seedlings

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

5.3 Cut regrowth as necessary

Thursday 20th February 2020

Cancelled due to wind and rain.

Saturday 1st February 2020

Back to Sally's Glade on a windy but very mild morning (certainly compared to this time last year).

This was a last chance to get some of the thicker areas of bramble cleared before the bird nesting season. The bramble spreading into the edges of the glade was concealing a lot of hawthorn saplings showing that this area would very soon become woodland if it was not managed.

There was a brief heavy shower as we were clearing up, but thankfully the sun came out again for our coffee break.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

5.3 Cut regrowth as necessary

Thursday 16th January 2020

The rain held off long enough for us to make some more progress at Sally's Glade following on from our Saturday Work Party.

Joe from ParkWork was busy with his strimmer clearing some of the thicker areas of bramble, while the rest of the team cleared saplings.

We also put up a new flag celebrating the fact that it is 25 years since Troopers Hill was declared as a Local Nature Reserve.

In the afternoon ParkWork completed the work they have been doing to improve the entrances from Troopers Hill Road as part of our Ways to Nature Project

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

5.3 Cut regrowth as necessary

Sat 4th January 2020

A great turnout for the first conservation work party of 2020 with 4 new faces - one (at only 4 months old) being almost certainly our youngest ever volunteer!

While a small group with the younger members carried out a litter-pick, the rest of the group focused on the south-eastern section of 'Sally's Glade' (compartment 5).

We cleared quite a large area of saplings and bramble.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

5.3 Cut regrowth as necessary

A6 Litter pick

Thursday 19th December 2019

Despite a brief break in the rain (at least until 11.30am) the Hill was very wet - too wet and slippery for our planned activities.

Instead we carried out a litter pick on the Hill and some work to the trees on Troopers Hill Field to prevent branches being damaged by the cages.

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

A6 Litter pick

Sat 7th December 2019

On a dry but breezy morning we continued the work in compartment 6 near the path below the chimney.

Lots of bramble and saplings were removed both to clear this area and to stop it spreading further into the heathland.

We also uncovered some fungi - some of the many different species of fungi that are found on the Hill.

Photographs of the morning here

More habitat conservation work will be starting on Monday (9th Dec) as part of our Ways to Nature Project.The works are described in our December 2019 Newsletter

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

6.1 In rotation cut 50% tall herb, scrub and tree saplings east of main path

6.3 Keep woodland 3-4 metres from path edges

Thursday 21st November 2019

Most of today's work was to the east of the main path leading up the Hill below the Goat Willow marker on our Woodland Trail. We cleared saplings and bramble, revealing some overgrown heather.

Joe from ParkWork was also busy with the strimmer on the other side of the path and cut back some of the overhanging branches.

At the start of the session, 3 of us put up a new flag near Greendown, as the current one was starting to fray at the end.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

6.1 In rotation cut 50% tall herb, scrub and tree saplings east of main path

6.3 Keep woodland 3-4 metres from path edges

Sat 2nd November 2019

With a yellow warning in place for strong winds and heavy early morning rain we had to cancel this month's Saturday work party.

Thursday 17th October 2019

Today both Friends of Troopers Hill and ParkWork volunteers set about clearing some broom from a bank of heather just above Sally's Glade.

While we aim to keep brom in some areas on the Hill it needs to be controlled so that it doesn't overshadow and kill off the heather and grasses.

While the broom was being tackled with loppers, Joe got the strimmer going to clear the bramble regrowth form the area cleared of broom last year.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom.

5.3 Cut regrowth as necessary.

Tuesday 15th October 2019
Corporate Volunteering - Environment Agency

Joining us today were a team from the Environment Agency who work in different offices across the country including Bristol. As they rarely all meet together, conservation work on Troopers Hill provided the ideal opportunity for some team building, while also benefitting the environment.

The day started with a walk around the top of the Hill while we told them about its history and its importance as the largest remaining patch of acid heathland and grassland in the City.

We then split the group into two teams. The first team used loppers to clear saplings and bramble from the grassland and heathland; focusing on some ash saplings near the allotments in the morning. Meanwhile the second team manned wheelbarrows borrowed from ParkWork to start shifting two tonnes of gravel provided by Bristol Parks to top-up the steps running down the Hill.

After a picnic lunch on the Hill, the teams swapped over. The new loppers team cleared an area in Sally's Glade, while afternoon wheelbarrow team tipped the last barrow load on the steps just three minutes before the scheduled finish time at 3pm.

Thank you to Summerhill Methodist Church for the use of the toilets.

Photographs of the day here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

3.2 Remove tree and shrub saplings from grassland and continue to keep existing area of grassland clear. .

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom.

A.1 Keep all paths clear of overgrowth and cut back by 2m on either side

Sat 5th October 2019

A grey, slightly misty morning, but it stayed dry.

A smaller turnout that recently, partly because two of our regulars were attending a Bristol Parks Health & Safety training session at St George Park so that they will be able to lead future work parties.

We worked in the area around the channel left by the old duct leading up to the upper chimney clearing saplings and bramble from the grassland. Before the main work started, we also swept up the remains of a broken glass bottle from in front of the bench at the top of the Hill.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

2.1 Clear all tree saplings and seedlings.

A6 Litter pick

Thursday 19th September 2019

This month's visit from ParkWork focused on cutting back bramble alongside the path leading on to the Hill from the lower chimney.

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

A.1 Keep all paths clear of overgrowth and cut back by 2m on either side

Sat 7th September 2019

Three new faces on a perfect morning for working on the Hill, some cloud, little wind and neither too hot or too cold.

We completed the work that we have been doing over the last couple of months, to clear broom and saplings from compartments 7 and 12, this time working at the upper northern end of both areas.

We were pleased to find some bees - Heather Colletes (Colletes succinctus) - buzzing around one area where we were working; one of 78 species of bees that have been recorded on the Hill and an illustration of why it is so important to protect the areas of heathland and acid grassland.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

7.2 Cut scrub & saplings across the area.

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting.

A6 Litter pick

Thursday 15th August 2019

The ParkWork team and our volunteers continued the work started last month on the steps. The strimmer was also brought into use to clear the paths into the woodland.

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

A.1 Keep all paths clear of overgrowth and cut back by 2m on either side.

Thursday 8th August 2019

This was a special Conservation Day with some of our Young Rangers. On the previous day we had given our new recruits a guided tour of the Hill and today they got stuck in and did some work for us.

The task was to complete the clearing of broom and gorse from heather above the eroded area.

Photographs of the day and the tour of the Hill here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting.

Sat 3rd August 2019

Cloud cover made it a little less warm than some previous days.

Most of the group did some more work on the area of heather on the slopes above the nursery, this time clearing saplings and one area of bramble nearer to the path.

A couple of our volunteers, including our youngest, did a litter pick over the Hill and into the woods, while two others pulled a small area of Himalayan Balsam which had reappeared in an area where we had previously seen it in 2016.

Later the main group moved to clearing broom from the other side of the path in the heather above the eroded area.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

7.2 Cut scrub & saplings across the area.

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting.

10.4 Monitor Himalayan Balsam and remove if necessary.

A6 Litter pick

Thursday 18th July 2019

For this month's visit from ParkWork we carried out work in compartment 6 to clear soil and growth from the face of the steps.

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

A.1 Keep all paths clear of overgrowth and cut back by 2m on either side

Sat 6th July 2019

Another very warm Saturday morning.

Today we focused on removing broom scrub from the wonderful bank of heather on the slopes above the nursery on Crews Hole Road.

This was ideal timing as it had finished flowering but the seed pods had not yet popped.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

7.2 Cut scrub & saplings across the area.

Thursday 20th June 2019

There was a heavy shower just before our 10am start time but thankfully it cleared before we started and later the sun came out making it quite warm.

Joe worked with the strimmer on the area by the path to the lower chimney where a lot of cherry saplings have appeared in the past. This is an area Parkwork have been visiting regularly and it is good to see that a range of flowers are now appearing here.

The rest of the group concentrated on saplings, bramble, broom and gorse regrowth in the heathland areas at the top of the steps from entrance E.

We were rewarded by a visit from a marbled white butterfly and finding some caterpillars of the 6-spot burnet moth on some birds foot trefoil.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

9.1 Remove encroaching trees from scrub

9.2 Clear a strip 2m-3m wide of scrub and trees to both sides of path.

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting.

Sat 1st June 2019

On a very warm morning we focused on the bracken in compartment 10, above the steps from Troopers Hill Road.

One of the aims of the management plan is to reduce the areas of bracken by cutting it in June and then again in August, this forces it to grow three times in the season weakening the rhizome and will eventually eradicate it.

Bristol City Council strim the larger areas of bracken, but we remove it where it is growing amonst heather or in other areas where it can't be strimmed.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

10.6 Cut or pull bracken growing through heather...

Tuesday 28th May 2019
Corporate Volunteering - Lloyds Bank

We were very pleased to welcome a team of ten from Lloyds Bank to Troopers Hill for the day, we had a range of tasks planned and we were impressed by their enthusiasm which enabled us to get through the whole list.

We started with a walk to the chimney and a brief talk about the history of the hill and its importance for wildlife.

The proper work then started; tasks for the morning included removing the rotten wooden top from a bench in Troopers Hill Field which we had installed in January 2010. There are standard park benches under the wooden tops of these benches so that they can still be used.

At the same time, on the Hill, one group did some work to clean off the steps on the path up from Greendown while others carried out a sapling hunt to remove saplings (mainly oak) from the grassland. Rejoined by their colleagues who had been working in the Field this group finished the morning by removing some bracken from areas in the gully where it was spreading into the heather.

The showers that had threatened during the morning held off allowing a pinic lunch on Tropers Hill Field. We did not need to take up the kind offer from Summerhill Methodist Church for the use of the church for lunch had it been raining, but the team did use their toilet facilities. In the meantime volunteers from the Street Goat Project collected some of the saplings that had been cut to feed to the goats.

In the afternoon, we split into two groups, with one completing the work on the bracken, while the other removed some broom from the sides of the gully, it was ideal timing for this since the broom had finished flowering but the seed pods were not yet ready to pop.

The final task of the day was clearing some bramble and saplings as well as bracken alongside the steps up from Troopers Hill Road.

Photographs of the day here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

2.1 Clear all tree saplings and seedlings.

11.2 Cut or pull bracken growing through heather...

13.1 Remove trees and scrub.

13.6 Cut or pull bracken growing through heather and in other inaccessible areas.

Thursday 17th May 2019

ParkWork carried out some work on the steps in the Woodland at a special session for #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek Rebuilding the steps on Troopers Hill - @EllaHogg6

Sat 4th May 2019

On a sunny morning we completed the work in the two areas we started last month, clearing areas of heather of saplings and gorse. We also cleared some saplings from the rock face at the end of the gully to leave more rock face exposed.

In a couple of months our efforts will be rewarded with a wonderful show of purple - but it is not really done for our benefit - the bees will love it too.

At the same time a separate group were visiting the Hill in search of fungi and joined us in the gully for a while.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting.

13.1 Remove trees and scrub

Thur 18th April & Thur 25th April 2019

Parkwork were unable to join us on the 18th, but they will came for an extra session on the following week (25th) instead.

The small groups on both sessions focused on clearing some isolated gorse plants from the heather.

Photographs of the morning of 18th April here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting.

Sat 6th April 2019

Nine volunteers spent time cutting back brambles and saplings from the heather and picking litter.

There was some broken pottery in the children’s enclosed play area. This has now been swept up.

Quite an enjoyable mornings work despite the cold wind

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

13.1 Remove trees and scrub

Thursday 21st March 2019

Work focused on clearing bramble, scrub and saplings at the top of the Hill.

We were pleased to be joined by three students from the University of Bristol as well as our own volunteers and those from ParkWork.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

4.3 Flail scrub (strimmed)

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

Sat 2nd March 2019

On a mild but mostly cloudy morning we focused on an area of broom that has appeared in the heathland above Troopers Hill Rd over the last couple of years.

The new Management Plan produced as part of our Ways to Nature Project funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund has highlighted that we need to remove broom on parts of the Hill to protect the heathland and this was one of the areas that was considered to be of high priority.

We stacked the broom near the access gate for Bristol Parks to collect during the week - having arranged this with them in advance.

Also as part of our Ways to Nature Project the wooden fencing along Troopers Hill is going to be replaced, with the work due to start in mid-March.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

11.3 Clear broom

Thurs 21st Feb 2019

ParkWork were unable to join us today because of holidays but there was a good turnout on a very mild morning.

We returned to Sally's Glade to push back the scrub at the south-western edge. Some of the bramble here had been cleared by ParkWork with their strimmer last month allowing us to access the thicker scrub. In accordance with the new management plan we left a few isolated broom plants.

Some of the group also carried out a litter pick before we all were able to enjoy coffee and biscuits looking at the view over Bristol.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

A6 Litter pick

Sat 2nd Feb 2019

The snow from the day before was still on the ground and although the morning was sunny it was very frosty and slippery underfoot. As a result we had to cancel today's work party.


Thursday 17th January 2019

On a glorious sunny morning we first cleared some gorse and broom from the area on the south side of the gully.

Having filled three large builder's sacks with material for composting, we moved over to Sally's Glade to clear some saplings and bramble from the areas at the edges of the glade.

Our work here added to the work done as part of conservation work being carried out by contractors as part of our Ways to Nature Project funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund which has removed a lot of broom. An adjacent area has also been cleared by Bristol Parks as part of their regular winter works schedule.

Photographs of the morning here

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

13.1 Remove trees and scrub

5.2 Clear all, scrub, tree saplings, seedlings and most broom

Sat 5th Jan 2019

We were pleased to welcome two new faces to our first conservation work party of the New Year on a very cold, grey morning.

We started by looking at the conservation work being carried out by contractors as part of our Ways to Nature Project funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund - with Susan explaing reasons why that work and the work we do on these work parties is so important in managing the Hill for wildlife and in particular the invertebrates that live here.

With a good turn out we were able to remove saplings and broom from a large area of the heathland.

A small group also did a litter pick over the whole Hill, collecting various items including the remains from New Year fireworks. While any litter is frustrating we know that it is less of a problem on Troopers Hill than on some other sites in Bristol - thank you to everyone who takes their litter home and especially to those dog walkers and others who also regularly pick up other people's rubbish.

Photographs of the morning here

Note - work activities now recorded against the new 2019 Management Plan.

2019 Management Plan Work Plan activities for this work party (ref no. indicates compartment)

12.1 Remove all gorse, broom, scrub, tree saplings and seedlings by pulling and cutting

A6 Litter pick

Thursday 20th December 2018

Before completing the work in compartment 4 that started in November, there were another couple of tasks to complete. First we excavated some channels to drain the puddles on the track alongside the Field and then we re-fixed the geology interpretation board near the chimney on a new backing board.

At the same time conservation work was being carried out by contractors further down the Hill (on the boundary of compartments 9 & 10) as part of our Ways to Nature Project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. This work included clearing bramble and young trees and unfortunately revealed a lot of litter that had built up over the years and had to be removed.

Photographs of the morning here

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  4 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  4

Sat 1st Dec 2018

The overnight rain cleared in time for us to be able to continue with this work party, although the ground was still very wet.

We cleared bramble and some broom from the right-hand side of the path leading up from the lower chimney.

As we worked we found some heather plants that had become completely over-shadowed by the broom illustrating that this area had recently been heathland and showing how this valuable habitat is being lost in some areas. We also uncovered some fungi.

Photographs of the morning here

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  8 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  8 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  8

Thursday 15th November 2018

Today ParkWork focused on the scrub and bramble at the western end of compartment 4 adjacent to the path down from the chimney.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  4 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  4

Sat 3rd Nov 2018

On cloudy and mild but incresingly windy morning we were pleased that there was a larger than usual turnout for our first Saturday Conservation Work Party since August.

We continued the work that we had started on the 18th October to remove bramble, saplings and some of the broom from the area above Sally's Glade. The aim is to stop the spread of the scrub and maximise the area of the acid grassland available for the bees - who we are sure would thank us if they could.

Bring bonefire weekend we also did a litter pick, and came back to do another on Sunday morning, but most of the litter was already in the bins - thank you to everyoone who helps keep Troopers Hill clear of litter everyday, not just at our work parties.

Photographs of the morning here

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  11 Carry out regular litter picks on site  All

Thursday 18th October 2018

On a glorious sunny morning we were pleased to welcome two new volunteers to our workparty.

One of the new faces was Emma Britton from BBC Radio Bristol who enthusiasticly got stuck in to cutting some bramble and also recorded some short interviews for her radio show.

We were working in Sally's Glade clearing bramble and saplings but also some of the broom. In accordance with the Management Plan we want to preserve some areas of broom on the Hill but we have received advice that in this area it needs to be reduced to restore areas of grassland that have been lost in recent years.

Photographs of the morning here

The recordings were broadcast on Emma's BBC Radio Bristol breakfast show on Wednesday 24th October at approx 6.50, 7.50 & 8.50am

Use the links below to hear the interviews:

Emma Britton Work Party interview | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  10 & 11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  10 & 11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  10 & 11

Sat 6th Oct 2018

After a dry week a band of rain crossed Bristol at just the wrong time for us meaning that the work party had to be cancelled.

Thursday 20th September 2018

The forecast rain held off to allow ParkWork and our volunteers to complete some excellent work removing low level bramble by strimmer and some sapplings with our loppers.

We worked in two area, one below the chimney and the other in Sally's Glade.

Photographs of the morning here

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  3/4 & 10 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  3/4 & 10

Sat 1st Sept 2018

The Saturday Work Party in September had to be cancelled due to holidays and other commitments.

Thursday 16th August 2018

Due to holidays, ParkWork weren't due to join us today and, as it turned out, they chose a good day to miss as early morning rain made it too wet for our planned conservation work.

ParkWork had though paid us an extra visit during the previous week to strim some of the bracken at the end of the gully, where we had cleared it from the heather on 7th July.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum apart from in scrub at boundaries.   4 & 5

Sat 4th Aug 2018

On a very hot and sunny morning we focused on bracken and cleared the area to the left of the steps up from the second entrance up Troopers Hill Road - the other side of the path to the area that ParkWork had cleared with their strimmer last month.

Our efforts over the years have weakened the bracken here and there was alot of grass and heather amongst it, so clearing by hand rather than strimming meant these plants could be left to thrive.

The bracken is now likely to start regrowing - this will weaken the rhizomes as at this time of year the plant would normally be storing energy for next year.

Photographs of the morning here

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum apart from in scrub at boundaries.   8

Thursday 19th July 2018

Today the ParkWork team were busy with their strimmer, they returned to the area by the path to the lower chimney to again take out the regrowth of cherry saplings.

They then cleared an area of bracken to the right of the steps leading up from the next entrance up Troopers Hill Rd.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum apart from in scrub at boundaries.   7 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   8

Sat 7th July 2018

One of our number came from our friends next door, Street Goat. So she was set to cut invasive holm oaks, which can be eaten by goats, but not as 100% of their diet. The rest of us pulled and cut bracken, where it was invading into and choking the heather. Bristol Parks will visit with machinery soon to cut the larger stands of bracken, without damaging the heather. Where bramble was found this was cut and put into another bag for the goats.

End result - 2 large bags of food for goats and an area of bracken prepared to machinery work can be done without damaging heather. By cutting and pulling the bracken its rhizomes will be weakened and we hope to eventually eradicate or at the very least, substantially reduce the amount of bracken, in line with the conservation management plan for the site.

Photographs of the morning here

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum apart from in scrub at boundaries.   4 & 5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   4 & 5

Thursday 21st June 2018

While the ParkWork team rebuilt some of the steps on the 'Doe' path down into the woodland from the Field, a small group of us cleared some saplings from the side of the gully.

In the sunshine on the longest day of the year and with the heather coming into flower, Troopers Hill was looking fantastic - we saw the first marbled white butterflies of the year.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  4

Sat 2nd June 2018

A very warm morning saw a good turnout, including several new faces.

From our meeting point at the top of the hill we walked down the path to first tackle some bramble in the grassland below the chimney. A second group then went further down the path to remove some saplings of oak, birch, sycamore and hawthorn from amongst the heather on the slopes above the nursery. Once the bramble had been removed the first group went on to remove some hawthorn saplings from the grassland at the very top of the Hill.

The recent warm weather following on from a damp spring has led to some very strong grass growth this year, so it was often difficult to see the smaller saplings, or at times our volunteers.

As on previous Saturday work parties the cuttings were taken to be fed to the goats in the adjacent allotments.

Photographs of the morning here

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  3/4 & 9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  3/4 & 9

Thursday 17th May 2018

ParkWork revisited the area cleared in November by the path to the lower chimney. Using their strimmer they removed the spring regrowth of bramble and cherry saplings.

Once this was complete they did some more work on the steps.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  8 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  8 Footpath and step repair work.  5 / 9

Sat 5th May 2018

A morning clearing bramble and saplings from the edge of the broom areas above Sally's Glade. Some of the bramble was taken to be fed to the Streetgoat goats.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  11

Thursday 19th April 2018

TheParkWork team have certainly experienced extremes of weather on the Hill, today was very hot and sunny.

Work included adding some stone fill to the steps above the nursery, enlarging the cage to one of the trees on the Field and a general litter pick.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Footpath and step repair work.  5 / 9 Carry out regular litter picks on site  All

Sat 7th April 2018

The overnight rain cleared away just in time for our start at 10am but the ground was still too wet and slippery for our planned conservation work.

Instead we carried out a litter pick over the site and in the woodland. This included removal of 83 cans from one spot in the woodland.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Carry out regular litter picks on site  All

Thursday 15th March 2018

This month the ParkWork team tackled some of the gorse that was spreading into the heather. At the same time we removed some oak saplings.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Prevent spread of gorse and begin cutting on a rotational plan to encourage regeneration, reduce the fire risk and prevent it becoming old and degenerate.    5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  5

Sat 3rd March 2018

Snow on 1st & 2nd March led to this work party being cancelled.

Photos of the snow on 2nd March 2018 can be seen here.

Thurs 15th February 2018

ParkWork couldn't join us for this session, so two of us took the opportunity to try out the use of the Council's battery hedge cutter to clear some bramble in Sally's Glade.

It worked well and we may use it again to clear some areas where we want to remove bramble and take the arisings away.

At the same time Bristol Parks were on site with their 'Scag' starting the winter works.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

 10 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  10 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  10 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  10

Sat 3rd February 2018

On a cold morning we were very lucky to get a break in the rain. We returned to Sally's Glade to continue clearing bramble and saplings from the area above the path where there is a lot of broom.

Given the weather we were surprised and pleased to have one of our largest groups for a while, many thanks to everyone.

After the work party some of the holm oak we had cut at this and the previous work party was taken to feed the goats living in the adjacent allotments as part of the Street Goat Project.

Photographs of the morning here (and of a goat being fed).

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

 11 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  11 Carry out regular litter picks on site  All

Thursday 18th Jan 2018

Another sunny morning with the ParkWork team.

We split into two groups with one removing holm oak saplings in the area between the path and the allotment fence and the other clearing the steps in the middle of the hill.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

 1 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  1 Footpath and step repair work.  5 / 9

Sat 6th January 2018

A very cold cloudy morning was not very inspiring for our first work party of 2018. We carried out a litter pick and a sapling hunt focusing on the northern part of the site.

The hot coffee was very welcome afterwards.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  1, 2, 3 & 4 Carry out regular litter picks on site  All

Thur 21st December 2017

Due to Christmas, ParkWork were unable to join us for this session. A small group did a litter pick on the hill and in the woodland. We also removed some ivy from an oak tree near Greendown, the extent of the ivy was causing a risk of branches being broken off in strong winds.

Sat 2nd December 2017

The early morning drizzle cleared to leave a dry but cold morning. We continued the work started by ParkWork last month, clearing bramble and a lot of saplings.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  8 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  8

Thursday 16th Nov 2017

After two wet sessions the sun shone on the ParkWork team this morning as they worked to clear scrub & saplings from the right of the path up from the lower chimney, of particular concern in this area are the number of cherry saplings.

As a trial ParkWork used a hedge cutter to clear the bramble which was very successful.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  8 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  8

Sat 4th November 2017

After being rained off in October, we returned to complete the work near Sally's Glade that we started in September.

We removed a lot of birch, oak and hawthorn saplings as well as bramble as we continue to try and prevent the spread of woodland and scrub into the heathland.

Two of our group also cleared the remains of some of the fireworks that had been let off on the hill last night. We also cut down a dead ash tree on Troopers Hill Field and cleared litter from the play area.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

 11 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  11 Carry out regular litter picks on site  All

Thursday 19th Oct 2017

Another wet morning but, with help from two of our volunteers, the ParkWork team worked through the rain to clear an area of scrub & saplings below the chimney. There was a mixture of broom, birch & oak together with a lot of bramble to clear to return this area to grassland.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  3 & 4 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  3 & 4

Sat 7th October 2017

Wet weather meant that our planned scrub clearance couldn't go ahead because the ground was too slippery. We did a short litter pick and were hoping the rain would clear but soon gave up - partly because there wasn't much litter!

A big thank you to all the dog walkers and others who help keep Troopers Hill clean & tidy.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Carry out regular litter picks on site  1-4 & 11

Thursday 21st Sept 2017

On a wet morning ParkWork carried out some pruning of a goat willow over hanging one of the paths. They then returned as the weather improved in the afternoon to start tidying up the entrance at Greendown by removing the log retaining structure installed some years ago which is now no longer required.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Cut back vegetation adjacent to and overhanging footpaths and entrances.

 11 Maintain raised bed at entrance C for road safety...  6

Sat 2nd September 2017

On a warm sunny morning we removed a lot of silver birch and some holm oak saplings from the area around the path down to the western side of Sally's Glade.

We also removed a branch from the goat willow that had cracked and cleared up the area at the base of the tree where there had been a small fire.

Afterwards we enjoyed the banana cake we were given with our coffee.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

 11 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  11

Thursday 17th August 2017

For this ParkWork visit we cleared some saplings and broom from the heather area to the south of the gully. From this point it is a long drag to dispose of the cuttings, so it is an area we have been reluctant to tackle on our Saturday Work Parties.

The team finished the morning by tidying up some broken branches and removing epicormic growth on the trees on Troopers Hill Field.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

 5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  5 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  5 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  5

Sat 5th August 2017

We were lucky to avoid most of the showers and were pleased to welcome some first timers in some summer sunshine.

The main task was to clear bracken from amongst the heather at the edges of an area at the end of the gully where Bristol Parks had strimmed a large area of bracken earlier in the week. Cutting the bracken at this time of year weakens it as it has to regrow rather than taking in energy to store for next year.

Once the area was clear, we moved on up the gully removing saplings and bramble so that they do not gow and over-shadow the heather - which was looking at its best in the sunshine. We also picked up litter, mostly plastic bottles that had been thrown over the edge of the gully.

The bracken, saplings & bramble were taken in large bags to the gate at Greendown for Bristol Parks to remove later in the week. This was a great example of how we are able to work with Bristol Parks to maintain the site. We hope that this partnership working will continue in future years, but this is under threat due to the impact of Government cuts on the Council's budget.

Please sign the Bristol Parks Forum petition against these cuts here.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

 4 & 5 Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum apart from in scrub at boundaries.  4 & 5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  4 & 5 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  4 & 5 Carry out regular litter picks on site  4 & 5

Thursday 20th July 2017

On the second of our regular visits from ParkWork the focus was on continuing the work started on 1st July to clear broom in the area above Sally's Glade and the path down towards the woods.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  11

Sat 1st July 2017

A small group worked in the area above Sally's Glade clearing the regrowth of broom from an area where a lot of broom was removed last year folowing advice that this is now spreading too far up the hill.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  11

Thursday 15th June 2017

This was the first of what will be regular work parties on Thursdays as part of a new project where ParkWork are working in green spaces across St George and anyone is welcome to volunteer to join them.

We focused on clearing some broom in the gully where it has been spreading and displacing the heather. While we aim to protect broom from being overcome by bramble on some parts of the hill, we also need to control its spread elsewhere.

This is a good time of year to remove it as we have had the benefit of seeing the yellow flowers but it is before the seed pods mature, so it prevents further spread.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  4 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  4

Sat 3rd June 2017

Something new for us this month, a group of friends decided that joining us for a work party on the hill would be a good way to start a Hen Weekend to celebrate Maria's forthcoming wedding. Eleven of them joined us and helped clear some gorse where is was spreading into the heathland.

Meanwhile we also cleared some saplings from the top end of the gully and cut back some broom where it was starting to obstruct the paths.

The coffee, tea & biscuits near the chimney afterwards by the chimney were very welcome. Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Prevent spread of gorse and begin cutting on a rotational plan to encourage regeneration, reduce the fire risk and prevent it becoming old and degenerate.    5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  4 & 5 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  4 & 5 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  4 & 5

Sat 27th May 2017 - Himalayan Balsam Bash - Troopers Hill Woodland

The invasive weed, Himalayan Balsam, had been found in Troopers Hill Woodland, so we organised an additional work party to remove the plants & stop them spreading.

Himalayan Balsam is an annual, so by pulling the plants before they get chance to seed you can prevent the spread and reduce the number that will grow the following year. As the seeds are only viable for 18 months it is possible to eradicate the weed in two years, provided there is nowhere else nearby that the seeds can come from.

Two hours work cleared all that we could see in this part of the woodland. Thank you to whoever it was who had got there before us to clear an adjacent area.

Photographs of the afternoon here.

Sat 6th May 2017

On a cloudy morning with a strong breeze, we continued last month's work clearing bramble and saplings for the areas of heather in the gully.

Two volunteers, who have been trained by Bristol Parks, were also busy with a strimmer clearing low lying bramble in Sally's Glade having first cleared the steps from the Field into the Woodland.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

 4 & 5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  4 & 5 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  4, 5 & 10

Sat 1st April 2017

We avoided the April showers and enjoyed some warm sunshine as we cleared bramble and saplings from the area near the entrance to the gully.

At the same time our chair, who has been trained by Bristol Parks to use a strimmer, was busy clearing low lying bramble in Sally's Glade.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

 4 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  4 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  4 & 10 Carry out regular litter picks on site  4

Sat 4th March 2017

On a sunny Spring morning, after a wet Friday, we tackled two separate areas. First we removed some bramble and saplings, including some holm oaks from the area near where the route of the duct from the chimney meets the path.

The second area was some broom that was spreading into the grassland near the old mineshaft.

As it was the weekend of the #BristolSpringClean, we also carried out a litter pick, sadly we also had to clear a lot of dog mess from the area where we were working.

Bizarrely, we also found some rice that had been tipped on Troopers Hill Field.

Afterwards we were able to sit in the sunshine and enjoy our coffee and biscuits.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

 4 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  4 & 11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  4 & 11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  4 & 11 Carry out regular litter picks on site  All

Sat 4th February 2017

On a dry morning with some sunshine we tackled an area that had been listed as a priority in last year's Photo Survey.

This was an area above the nursery where broom and bramble were invading an area of heather. Community Payback had done some work on this area in October but it took 8 of us a good 2 hours of work to clear the remaining broom and bramble, including carrying the cuttings away.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  9

Sat 7th January 2017

A misty morning, but not as cold as the previous two days.

We cleared some broom and gorse from the heather around the eroded area on the south facing slopes of the hill. We also took down some saplings at the edge of the heather. This work had been indentified as a priority in the report on last year's Photo Survey.

There were four 'first timers' on this work party - it is good to see more people joining us to help maintain this important site.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

 9 Prevent spread of gorse and begin cutting on a rotational plan to encourage regeneration, reduce the fire risk and prevent it becoming old and degenerate.  5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  5 & 9 Carry out regular litter picks on site 3, 4, 9, & 11

Sat 3rd December 2016

On another cold morning (though not as cold as earlier in the week) we continued the work to clear broom and bramble above Sally's Glade. It was good to see some new faces.

For the first time we also did some work with a strimmer lent by Bristol Parks after two of our members went on a training course earlier in the year. Having tried this out we have decided in future that this is done on separate days so that at work parties we can all work together.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  11

Sat 5th November 2016

A cold but sunny morning found us working in the area above Sally's Glade continuing from the great start made by Community Payback last month.

As well as clearing bramble and saplings we also removed some of the broom, folowing advice that this is now spreading too far up the hill.

Being bonfire weekend we also carried out a litter pick over the hill to pick up some of the remnants of the night before.

Two of us then did another litter pick on the Sunday morning and collected four bags of firework remains and other litter left on Saturday night.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  11 Carry out regular litter picks on site  All

Sat 1st October 2016

We were very lucky to get a break in the showers which allowed us to remove some saplings and bramble from the northern corner of compartment 9. Part of the area we were clearing is where the red & white fungi 'fly agaric' has grown in recent years, so we hope it will appear later in the month.

At the same time Community Payback were busy removing some of the broom and bramble that is spreading and starting to displace the heatther further down in compartment 9 on the slopes above the nursery.

We are very pleased to have payback working on the Hill again, this visit (2 days theis weekend and 2 days next weekend) has been organised by the St George Neighbourhood Partnership .

Payback tweeted about their visit

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  9 Carry out regular litter picks on site  9 & 11

Sat 3rd September 2016

Rain was forecast 'from lunchtime' but unfortunately it arrived early ahead of what became a very wet afternoon. However, a good turnout meant that we were able to achieve most of what we set out to do before we had to curtail the work party just after 11am.

We removed the bracken from the edge of the heather at the end of the gully after Bristol Parks had strimmed most of it the week before. We were also able to remove some oak saplings growing in the grassland.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum apart from in scrub at boundaries.  4 & 5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  1,3 & 4

Sat 6th August 2016

A warm and sunny morning with the heather looking at its best. We worked on the slope above the nursery clearing saplings and also removing some broom.

While is is important to protect areas of broom on the hill, we also need to control its spread so that it doesn't take over areas of heathland and reduce the area of heather and grassland which are important for the many invertebrates living on the hill.

As we enjoyed our coffee after the work a buzard settled in the one of the trees and watched us for a while.

Photographs of the morning here.

Later in the month we had an impromptu evening work party to remove some Himalayan Balsam that had been spotted on the Hill.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   9 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   9

Sun 17th July 2016

After disappointing weather in June we were pleased to have a warm summer afternoon for the second of our afternoon work parties for this year.

We completed the clearance of the bracken where it was encroaching into the heather in the area we worked on at the last work party - and then also cleared some saplings and bramble from the area of heathland to the left of the steps.

We were particularly pleased to be joined by some of the Street Goat team, who were able to take some of the bramble and saplings we had cut to help feed the goats.

Photographs of the afternoon here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum apart from in scrub at boundaries.   5 & 8 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   5 & 8 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   5 & 8 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   5 & 8

Sat 2nd July 2016

A small group cleared some of the bracken from amongst the broom at the top of the steps up from Troopers Hill Road.

This was an area where Bristol Parks had cleared a large area of bracken with strimmers last month. Cutting the bracken at this time of year weakens it as it has to regrow rather than taking in energy to store for next year.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum apart from in scrub at boundaries.   5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   5 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   5

19 Jun 2016

Unfortunately the weather let us down on the first of our two summer Sunday afternoon work parties for this year.

With the ground already wet and more rain forecast we abandoned our plans to cut bracken and instead did a litter pick over the Hill and some of the woodland. We were pleased to find that there was in fact very little litter - a big thank you to all those local dog walkers and other who regularly pick up litter as they walk round.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Carry out regular litter picks on site  All

4 Jun 2016

A warm but cloudy morning. A change of scene this month as we moved to the area next to the path leading from the lower chimney to remove some bramble and also some cherry tree saplings.

We were pleased to see Bristol Parks busy cutting the grass in Troopers Hill Field. They have also started work to strim the large areas of bracken so that we can remove it where it is growing amongst the heather later in the month on our Sunday afternoon work party (19th June).

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  8 & 9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  8 & 9 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  8 & 9

7 May 2016

More work in Sally's Galade on one of the first really warm days of the year.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   11

2 April 2016

After a grey start the sun came out as we continued the work in Sally's Glade that we started last month.

As well as clearing bramble from the broom, we also removed some holm oak saplings.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  11 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   11

5 March 2016

The early morning drizzle cleared to give a grey morning with occasional glimpses of sunshine, though with a very cold wind.

We were pleased to be able to get a full two hours done without any rain for the first time this year. Our work focused on removing bramble from the broom at the edge of Sally's Glade.

We also put up a new 'Welcome to Troopers Hill' flag to replace the Bristol Green Capital 2015 flag that had become rather tatty.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  11 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   11

6 & 21 February 2016

A very wet & windy morning meant that we had to cancel the Saturday morning work party on 6th February. Unfortunately it was also wet on the afternoon of 21st February when we had hoped to run the first of three Sunday Conservation Work Parties this year.

9 January 2016

A break in the morning showers allowed us to do some work removing brambles and saplings in Sally's Glade.

Good progress was made despite the showers causing an early finish.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  11 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   11

5 December 2015

With the rain from storm 'Desmond' staying well north of us it was a dry but windy morning. We concentrated on the gorse that was spreading into the heather and saplings in the area of broom at the top of the steps from Troopers Hill Road.

This was where Bristol Parks and Community Payback had done some work to clear a large area of bramble and gorse as the first phase of the winter works. As shown on facebook here.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Prevent spread of gorse and begin cutting on a rotational plan to encourage regeneration, reduce the fire risk and prevent it becoming old and degenerate.    5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   5 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   5 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   5

7 November 2015

Due to the wet & windy weather our planned conservation work party on 7th November was cancelled.

One of our tasks for the morning would have been a litter pick to deal with any remains of fireworks, but we could see on Friday that thanks to dog walkers and other Hill visitors there was going to e very few to pick up.

A BIG thank you to everyone who helps keep the Hill looking good throughout the year.

3 October 2015

A misty morning after a dry and sunny week.

We continued to work in the area we started last month, with two people also clearing bramble for around a silver birch to clear an area where fly agaric often appear at this time of year. We hope it will put on a good show for our Fungi Foray on 1st November.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum apart from in scrub at boundaries.   5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   5 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   5 & 9 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   5

5 September 2015

A good turn out today, with two new faces.

We started to remove the bracken & bramble in the area above the steps leading from entrance E on Troopers Hill Road and also removed some gorse from the adjacent area of heather.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum apart from in scrub at boundaries.   5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   5 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   5 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   5

Sunday 16 August 2015

A very enjoyable Sunday afternoon where we were joined by lots of young helpers to clear some bracken from beside the steps leading up from Troopers Hill Road.

Bristol Parks had cleared the area to the right of the steps so we were able to complete the job by clearing the other side where the bracken was growing amongst heather and therefore needed clearing by hand.

Photographs of the afternoon here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum apart from in scrub at boundaries.   8 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   8

1 August 2015

A small group met to clear bracken where it is spreading into the heather at the end of the gully. Bristol Parks had strimmed the large areas of bracken here during the previous week so that we were able to concentrate on areas where it need to be pulled or cut by hand since attempting to strim it would also damage the heather. We also removed saplings from the area.

Cutting bracken in the summer causes it to regrow at a time when it should be collecting energy by photosynthesis. This weakens the root stock and if repeated over several years will eventally kill off the bracken. Areas of bracken have a much lower biodiversity than the important heathland and grassland habitats on the Hill that we are aiming to protect and the Management Plan has eradication of bracken as one of its aims.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum apart from in scrub at boundaries.   4 & 5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   4 & 5

Sunday 19 July 2015

This was the first of two Sunday afternoon work parties planned this year.

Despite a low turn out on a warm sunny afternoon, we were able to clear a significant number of saplings from the grassland near Sally's Glade.

Photographs of the afternoon here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

 10 & 11 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  10 & 11

4 July 2015

A warm summer morning though with some cloud giving welcome breaks from the direct sun.

We focused on clearing saplings from the north side of the gully in two areas. Many of these were small holm oaks which are a particular problem as they are evergreen. Removing these saplings ensures that the heather and acid grassland is able to thrive and provide home and food sources for the many bees and other invertebrates that live on the Hill. While we were working a bee survey was being carried out as part of a Natural History Museum led project.

We also removed some low branches that were overhanging a path on the other side of the Hill.

Photographs of the morning here.

More about the day on our facebook page.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  4 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   4 Cut back vegetation adjacent to and overhanging footpaths and entrances   1

6 June 2015

As a change from our usual battle with bramble and saplings the task for part of the group this morning was to remove grass from the edge of the wheelchair path leading to the chimney. This was in part to investigate the condition of the path edges and establish whether the edges of the whole path should be cleared.

Meanwhile we also did some more work in Sally's Glade

Update: Following our initial work on the path edges we were able to arrange through the Neighbourhood Partnership and Bristol Parks to get the rest of the path completed by offenders on the Community Payback scheme on 29th & 30th August.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   11 Maintain path in a suitable condition for use by wheelchairs and pushchairs.   3

2 May 2015

A spring morning with the broom in flower found us working in Sally's Glade clearing bramble and holm oak saplings.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  11 Removal of all tree species growing in scrub before maturity   11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   11

4 April 2015

It was good to welcome two new recruits on a cold cloudy morning, which had started for some of us with a Dawn Chorus Walk at St George Park, part of a series of walks Exploring St George's Green Spaces.

We fouused on the area of broom above the steps leading up from Trooopers Hill Road (entrance E) and cleared a lot of bramble and a few saplings that were threatening to overwhelm it.

2 Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub before maturity   5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   5 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   5 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   5

7 March 2015

Friends of Troopers Hill had to split our resources this morning with some of us running our stand at St George Community Fair, so we were pleased to welcome extra help from a group of young people taking part in the National Citizen Service (NCS) Action Day.

A glorious sunny spring morning saw us split into two groups both working in the area above the nursery. While one group cleared some of the broom from the more gentle slopes to prevent it taking over completly from the heather, the others were clearing holm oak and other scrub & saplings from the steeper slopes.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  9 Removal of all tree species growing in scrub before maturity   9 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   9

7 February 2015

A cold and frosty morning found us working near Sally's Glade clearing bramble and a lot of holm oak saplings.

Holm oak are evergreen oaks which are native to the Mediterranean area are a particular problem because they over shadow other species. One of the aims of the Management Plan is to eradicate them from the site, in the winter they are easy to spot.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  11 Removal of all tree species growing in scrub before maturity   11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   11

10 January 2015

A very windy morning, but we avoided the showers and it was good to see several new faces.

We again worked on clearing bramble and saplings from the area to the right of the path up from the lower chimney.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub before maturity   8 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   8 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   8

06 December 2014

For our last work party of 2014, we continued to work in the area we started last month clearing bramble and saplings in glorious sunshine.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub before maturity   8 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   8 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   8

01 November 2014

A very mild morning for November with sunshine making it seem more like spring than autumn, especially since there were yellow flowers on some of the broom. We cleared bramble and saplings from the area to the right of the path up from the lower chimney.

Meantime Community Payback were clearing some more of the gorse in compartment 5.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub before maturity   8 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   8 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   8

04 October 2014

Due to the rain and very wet ground we decided we had to cancel this month's work party. Frustratingly the rain then cleared to give a bright and sunny afternoon.

01 October 2014 - Lloyds Bank

Thank you to 17 volunteers from Lloyds Bank who gave their time to help make a difference on Troopers Hill Local Nature Reserve.

A full report and photographs can be seen here.

06 Sept 2014

We have spent many hours on work parties cutting back bramble to allow areas of broom scrub to thrive on the Hill, however, there are some areas where we need to control the spread of broom into the heathland. An example of this is in the gully and so on a morning that started with light rain we cleared most of a large patch of broom that had grown on the south facing side of the gully over the last couple of years.

The broom is much easier to cut than bramble, so we found we had more cuttings than we thought we we came to gather it all together. We had to do a bit of overtime to collect all the cuttings and drag them to the gate at Greendown for Bristol Parks to collect.

Before and after photographs

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  4 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  4

20 August 2014

A cooler evening but having cleared another 100+ small saplings of mostly oak, hawthorn and holm oak from the gully (and done a quick litter pick) we enjoyed some wine sitting on top of the Hill watching a magnificent sunset.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  4 Carry out regular litter picks on site  All

02 Aug 2014

With rain falling at 10am and the ground very wet, a small group of us spent the morning in a garage cleaning and sharpening our loppers ready for future work parties.

23 July 2014

A very warm evening after a hot summer's day, fortunately the evening storms missed us. A small group cleared tree saplings from an area in the gully before relaxing in the area we had cleared with a couple of bottles of wine.

Photographs of the evening's work here

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  4

05 July 2014

The early morning light rain had mostly cleared by the time we started and by 11am it was very hot in the sunshine.

We split into two groups with the larger group tackling bracken where it is is spreading into areas of heather both at the end of the gully and above the steps from entrance E. The larger areas of bracken are strimmed by our Park Keeper. Cutting bracken at this time of year means that it regrows and this weakens the roots tubers resulting in less vigorous growth next year.

This group also removed gorse where it had appeared amongst the heather on the south facing slopes, without contol the gorse and bracken would spread and shade out the heather.

Meantime three of us pruned the hedge and tidied the raised bed at entrance C. This hedge has grown very well this year so that the view of the entrance had been obscured from the road and the entrance path was overshadowed.

Both groups came together for well earned coffee & biscuits after the session.

Photographs of the morning here

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Prevent spread of gorse and begin cutting on a rotational plan to encourage regeneration, reduce the fire risk and prevent it becoming old and degenerate.    5 Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum apart from in scrub at boundaries.    4, 5 & 8 Cut back vegetation adjacent to and overhanging footpaths and entrances.    6 Maintain raised bed at entrance C for road safety to prevent pedestrians crossing close to junction of Greendown and Troopers Hill Road.    6

07 June 2014

The forecast thunderstorms mostly missed St George this morning but the ground was wet and slippery after overnight rain, so instead of our planned attack on the bracken a small group walked over the Hill clearing saplings from some of the flater areas of grassland.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  1, 3 & 11

22 May 2014

A huge thank you to 10 volunteers from Lloyds Bank who came to Troopers Hill for a volunteer work day on Thursday 22nd May.

A full report and photographs can be seen here.

03 May 2014

We continued the work we started last month in Sally's Glade.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland    10 & 11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom    10 & 11

05 April 2014

Cloudy but only one light shower as we cleared some of the bramble and saplings from Sally's Glade.

As we were finishing Good Gym Bristol arrived to give us a helping hand, so we were able to hand over our tools to them and watch them work as we had our well earned coffee and biscuits.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland    10 & 11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom    10 & 11

01 March 2014

After all the rain and wind of the last three months it was wonderful to be out on the hill in some spring sunshine.

While two people did some pruning of the hedge at the Greendown entrance the others followed the path parallel to Troopers Hill Rd taking out saplings and bramble from the heather and broom on the side of the path away from the road.

Most of the work was concentrated in the area about the steps up from entrance E. The cuttings were left in two yellow bags for our park keeper to take away later in the week.

With the work finished we sat in the sun enjoying our coffee and biscuits.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub before maturity  4 & 5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  4 & 5 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  4 & 5 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  4 & 5

01 February 2014

With very wet ground and showers forecast we canceled this month's work party. In fact the showers failed to materialise, though there was a very cold wind, so a small group of us did a litter pick and also cleared some drainage channels to try and reduce the amount of mud on some of the paths.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Carry out regular litter picks on site  All

04 January 2014

Due to the rain and very wet ground we decided we had to cancel this month's work party.

07 December 2013

As we assembled on a relatively mild morning, we were pleased to see balloons tied to the gate at our meeting point to mark 10 years since Friends of Troopers Hill was formed in December 2003.

Our task today was to complete the clearance of bramble and saplings from the area that we started on last month.

Having completed this area there was a real sense of achievement as we sat down for well earned coffee and biscuits.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub before maturity   9 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   9 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   9

02 November 2013

A breezy morning but only a couple of light showers so we were able to clear a lot of bramble and saplings from the area of broom to the left of the path up from the lower chimney.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub before maturity   9 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   9 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   9

05 October 2013

On a mild autumn morning with dry weather after a wet week we continued working in the areas that we started last month.

In addition we removed some bramble from an area of grassland under a silver birch to uncover some fly agaric fungi. This was in accordance with recommendations following various fungi surveys 'Clear bramble and other coarse scrub from around good mycorrhizal trees (oak, birch) to <10cm sward height to enhance fruiting.'

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   8 & 9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   8 & 9

07 September 2013

While much of our work has been aimed at maintaining areas of broom scrub and preventing it from being over run by bramble; there are some areas of the Hill where we need to control the spread of broom into the heathland. It was one of these areas that we tackled at this mornings work party in compartment 8. The broom, bramble and saplings that we removed were placed in large bags for collection later by Bristol Parks. We also removed some saplings from the slopes above the nursery in compartment 9.

This work had been started by girls from Badminton School earlier in the week.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   8 & 9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   8 & 9

03 August 2013

On a sunny morning we started by putting up our new Green Flag, this followed the presentation of the 2013/14 award earlier in the week. You can read more on our Green Flag Page.

The main work focused on the areas of bracken at the Troopers Hill Rd end of the Gully. We cleared the bracken from the heather at the edges of the bracken patch, so that our 'Parkie' can follow up by strimming the main patch. We also cut several saplings and some bramble from the heather and bagged them up for Bristol Parks to collect. Two of our group also cleared the path edges on some of the paths through the woods.

Photographs of the morning here.

A planned evening work party on 14th August was cancelled due to wet weather.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum apart from in scrub at boundaries.    4 & 5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland    4 & 5 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland    4 & 5

17 July 2013

A very warm evening after a hot summers day. A small group cleared tree saplings from an area in the gully before relaxing on top of the Hill with a couple of bottles of wine.

Two Photographs of the evening's work here

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  4

06 July 2013

More work in Sally's Glade on a very hot and sunny day. For the first time for a long time we had to retreat to the more shaded areas.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland    11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom    11

01 Jun 2013

Back to Sally's Glade on a glorious warm sunny morning. Troopers Hill was looking at its best with the broom and hawthorn in full flower. We cleared a lot of bramble and saplings to help preserve this wonderful glade that is so important for the invertebrates that live on the Hill.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland    11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom    11

04 May 2013

Our regular May session in Sally's Glade clearing some of the bramble and saplings. The cold spring has delayed the broom from coming into flower this year but it was good to see that it is now coming out.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland    11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom    11

06 April 2013

After a very cold month it was relatively warm in the sunshine. We were again working along the path from the lower chimney, though avoiding the denser areas of scrub because of the possibility of nesting birds. We also cleared some rubbish from the bottom of the slope down to the nursery.

We were again pleased to welcome Good Gym Bristol to give us a boost towards the end of the session. As we were drinking coffee and eating biscuits after the hard work, the Good Gym members ran to the top of the Hill to look at the chimney before running back to their meeting point at Temple Meads.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

 8 Removal of all tree species growing in scrub before maturity  8 & 9 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  8 & 9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  8 & 9 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  8 & 9 Carry out regular litter picks on site  8 & 9

02 March 2013

Back in the area we visited last month, we cleared some more bramble and from the other side of the path we removed a holm oak. At the same time a small group did a litter pick over the Hill and through the woods.

While we were working away a group from Good Gym Bristol ran to Troopers Hill from Temple Meads and then joined in to give us an extra boost or the last half hour or so. They cleared some bramble and cherry saplings from the right of the path.

The Good Gym team also moved some cut broom from the slopes above the nursery. This had been cut earlier in the week by the Woodland and Wildlife team from the Council, a task that they will continue this week.

While we were finishing our coffee and biscuits, the Good Gym gang ran off up the Hill to return to the centre of Bristol; a big thank you to them for their help.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

 8 Removal of all tree species growing in scrub before maturity 8 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  8 & 9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  8 & 9 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  8 & 9 Carry out regular litter picks on site  All

02 February 2013

A sunny morning on Troopers Hill. The area in & compartment(s) 9 (left of the steps leading up from the square chimney) has recovered well from the fire there in July 2010. Our Community Park Keeper did a lot of strimming of bramble there last week which allowed the volunteers to follow up his good work and get in amongst the new grown broom to cut out bramble and saplings.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub before maturity  9 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  9 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  9

05 January 2013

A cloudy but mild and dry morning and a relatively dry week had allowed the ground to dry out a bit so it was ideal conditions for continuing the work we started last month in Sally's Glade.

We were especially pleased to welcome three 'first timers'.

A couple of photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

 10 & 11 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  10 & 11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  10 & 11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  10 & 11

01 December 2012

On a sunny but frosty morning we were pleased to see as we assembled at Greendown that Bristol Parks had cut the hedge that we planted in January 2006. In previous years we have pruned the hedge at work parties but it has now reached a size where mechanical cutting is needed.

There were fantastic views from the top of the Hill as we walked over to Sally's Glade to clear some bramble and saplings. Our work here has been helped by a visit from Community Payback a couple of weeks before as part of our Stepping Forward Project. Their work included cutting some paths through the broom, this enabled us to get to some of the saplings in the middle of the area and will also act as firebreaks. The work meant removing some of the broom, but this was necessary to enable the rest of the broom to be protected.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

 10 & 11 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  10 & 11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  10 & 11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom  10 & 11

03 November 2012

We were very lucky with the weather, the forecast showers all missed Bristol.

This was a work party of two parts, first we cleared some more gorse in the area we worked on last month. Then we moved to remove some bramble and saplings near the 'Goat Willow' waymarker.

The morning's activities were videoed by some second year students on a degree course at UWE.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Prevent spread of gorse and begin cutting on a rotational plan to encourage regeneration, reduce the fire risk and prevent it becoming old and degenerate.    5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland    4 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland    4

06 October 2012

A glorious sunny October morning - the chocolate biscuits melted!

The morning's work focused on the gorse near the centre of the Hill. A large area of gorse was cleared by Community Payback in March and this is now regenerating well. Our task today was to remove new gorse plants (and one or two older ones that were left in March) that were growing around the edge of this area in the heather of the heathland.

The cut gorse was bagged and stacked to be removed by Bristol Parks on Monday.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Prevent spread of gorse and begin cutting on a rotational plan to encourage regeneration, reduce the fire risk and prevent it becoming old and degenerate.    5

01 September 2012

Ideal weather, dry with some bursts of sunshine. We continued the work in the broom above Sally's Glade and also removed some saplings from the grassland nearby. As we worked buzzards were circling overhead making their distinctive calls.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland    11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland    11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom    11

22 August 2012

Given that this has been a very wet summer we were very lucky to have another dry and sunny evening for our second evening work party. We cleared a lot of bramble and saplings (silver birch, oak & hawthorn) from the area of broom above Sally's Glade.

Once the tools were put away we enjoyed a chat and a few glasses of wine or beer.

Photographs of the evening here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland    11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland    11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom    11

04 August 2012

We were fortunate to miss the showers and even to have some sunshine. Work focused on the gully, removing saplings and bracken from the areas of heathland.

At the same time 'Trail Markers' were being installed in the woodland on 4th August by offenders on the ‘Community Payback’ scheme as part of our Stepping Forward Project.

Photographs of the morning here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

   4 & 5 Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum apart from in scrub at boundaries.    4 & 5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland    4 & 5 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland    4 & 5

25 July 2012

Three tasks for a very warm and sunny evening.

First we put up our new Green Flag.

Next we cleared some bracken from the heather at the entrance to the gully. This will allow our 'Parkie' Julian to avoid the heather when he next strims the bracken.

Lastly, having put the tools away we enjoyed some beer and wine sitting in the evening sunshine near the top of the Hill.

Photographs of the evening here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum apart from in scrub at boundaries.    4 & 5

07 July 2012

Due to the very wet weather we had to cancel July's Saturday work party, but don't forget there is an evening work party planned on Wed 25th July at 7pm.

02 June 2012

Saturday of the Jubilee weekend saw us attacking the bracken at the top of the steps from entrance E. This is an area where the broom is doing very well after past efforts to clear bramble and bracken. We cleared the bracken from around the broom, leaving the larger areas for Jules, our park keeper, to strim next week. This work party was just at the right time – the bracken had grown quickly and plants underneath were still alive, like heath bedstraw, heather, broom and the the grasses that help make Troopers Hill so special.

Photographs of the day here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum apart from in scrub at boundaries.    5

05 May 2012

A smaller group than usual due to some of our regulars being on holiday (including Susan - whose coffee and tea making skills were sadly missed). With the broom giving a good show of its yellow flowers we were back in Sally's Glade clearing some of the bramble.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland    11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom    11

16 Apr 2012 - DEFRA Biodiversity Team

We were pleased to welcome volunteers from from the Biodiversity team at DEFRA who helped cut some saplings that were growing in the grassland and heathland. We also gave them a brief tour of the hill and talked about the site's history during a well deserved lunch break. A full report can be seen here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

   9 Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity    9 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland    4, 5, 8 & 9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland    9

07 Apr 2012

A cloudy but dry morning found us working at the west end of Sally's Glade. This is the area where the Community Payback team did some work last month.

There are some wonderfully shaped willow trees here, but around them lots of saplings had grown and were spreading into the broom along with bramble. Our aim is to let the broom establish itself in this area.

Photographs of the day here.

2012 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

   11 Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity    11 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland    11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland    11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom    11

03 Mar 2012

Some early spring sunshine after some overnight rain and we were lucky enough to avoid the showers with the hail arriving just after we had enjoyed our coffee and biscuits.

We were pleased to welcome two new faces as we cleared bramble and saplings from the slope above the steps from entrance E. This is an area where broom is re-establishing itself after we have removed a lot of bramble over the last few years. The cuttings will be removed during the week using the gate that the payback team fitted last month.

At the same time a team of offenders on the ‘Community Payback’ scheme were clearing saplings and bamble from the west end of Sally's Glade near the top of the steps down into the woodland. This work is funded by the Big Lottery as pert of our Stepping Forward Project. Over the next two days the team will be removing some of the gorse above entrance E.

Photographs of the day here.

2007 Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity    5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland    5 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland    5 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom    5

04 Feb 2012

After a very cold week, we were lucky to get this work party completed before the afternoon snow arrived. We cleared bramble and saplings from the edge of the heathland near Greendown. At the same time one of our members did a litter pick over the hill - as she does regularly between work parties.

While we were working near Greendown a team of offenders on the ‘Community Payback’ scheme installed a new gate post at the second entrance up the hill on Troopers Hill Rd. This gate will allow our park keeper easier access with tools and will also make it easier to remove cut bramble etc from the hill. This work is funded by the Big Lottery as pert of our Stepping Forward Project.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   4 & 5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   4 & 5 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   4 & 5 Carry out regular litter picks on site


07 January 2012

After storms during the week, we were pleased to have a sunny spring like morning to prune the Greendown hedge that we planted in January 2006. There was a good turnout and we produced many more cuttings than last year for Bristol Parks to collect later in the week. One of our members also carried out a litter pick over the hill.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Maintain recently planted hedgerow through weeding, mulching and pruning.   2 Carry out regular litter picks on site


07 Dec 2011

A 'nice sunny morn' after a wet night. It was also mild, even feeling warm in the sunshine - a complete contrast to this time last year. We returned to complete the work we started last month, with a particular focus being the removal of some cherry saplings.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   8 & 9 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   8 & 9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   8 & 9 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   8 & 9

05 Nov 2011

After a wet couple of days it was good to see a dry and bright morning, it was also very mild. Today we tackled bramble and saplings in the area above the lower chimney that got burnt in Spriing 2010. There are a lot of new broom plants growing here and we hope to keep the bramble at bay to give them a chance to establish. A litter pick by a couple of the group found surprisingly few firework remains, but unfortunately we did recover the molten remains of another wheelie-bin.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   8 & 9 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   8 & 9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   8 & 9 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   8 & 9 Carry out regular litter picks on site


01 Oct 2011

Bright sunshine on the warmest Saturday morning for a work party of the year had at least one of our regulars wishing for cloud and drizzle. We again spent the morning in Sally's Glade with two of our members completing a litter pick concentrating on Troopers Hill Field.

The well deserved coffee and biscuits was taken sitting in the shade, where we found a lot of different fungi.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   10 & 11 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  10 & 11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   5, 10 & 11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   10 & 11 Carry out regular litter picks on site


03 Sept 2011

Another morning working in Sally's Glade clearing bramble. We were very pleased to see two more new faces. We also cleared some isolated gorse that had appeared in the main area of bell heather on the south facing slopes and a small amount of litter from the top of the hill.

During coffee and biscuits we presented Oscar with a card for his tenth birthday and a certificate to thank him for completing 25 hours of work for us on Saturday mornings.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   10 & 11 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  10 & 11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   5, 10 & 11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   10 & 11 Carry out regular litter picks on site


06 Aug 2011

A cloudy morning but dry apart from the occasional spot of rain. We continued the work in Sally's Glade that we were doing last month and also cleared saplings from the grassland area to the east of the glade. This is an area where trees were cleared in 2007 to recover an area of lost grassland.

At the end of the session and prior to our well earned coffee and biscuits we put up our new Green Flag and posed for photos showing our '5 in a row'.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   10 & 11 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  3, 4, 10 & 11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   10 & 11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   10 & 11

02 July 2011

A hot sunny morning in Sally's Glade with the shaded areas being the most popular spaces to work. We cleared a lot of hawthorn saplings and low lying bramble. Two of the group also went on a sapling hunt in the grassland over the top of the hill.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   10 & 11 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  3, 4, 10 & 11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   10 & 11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   10 & 11

4 June 2011

The weather was very sunny for the majority of the work party, an excellent start for the two new members. We cleared saplings and bramble from Sally's Glade which will allow the broom to spread and grow. Meanwhile two of the party were clearing bracken and brambles at the top of the steps which lead from Troopers Hill Road.

The showers began at 11.45 which signalled the end of the work party, however we spent the last few minutes tidying up and disposing of waste, this was followed by a well earned cup of tea on the flat section by the Green Flag.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  10 & 11 Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum

  5 Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   10 & 11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   5, 10 & 8 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   5, 10 & 11

26 May 2011

Following the loss of the work party on 7th May we agreed at our meeting that week to try an evening work party. Unfortunately the weather again wasn't great but the showers cleared so 8 of our regulars braved the wind and cleared some saplings from various parts of the hill.

Afterwards we relaxed in a sheltered hollow with a couple of glasses of wine.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

 4, 5, 8 & 9 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  4, 5, 8 & 9

07 May 2011

After over a month of almost unbroken dry weather in one of the driest springs on record, heavy rain on Saturday morning meant that unfortunately this work party had to be cancelled.

02 April 2011

The morning showers cleared in time for a small group to clear some scrub from the side of Sally's Glade. There are lots of green shoots but but with the sapplings not yet fully in leaf we were able to ensure that we did not disturb and nesting birds. We also completed a litter pick through the gully but had to leave the burnt remains of a wheelie bin for our park-keeper to remove next week. Our thanks to the residents that called the fire service and prevented this fire from spreading further.

After a satisfying morning's exercise we then spent the afternoon running a consultation session for our 'Stepping Forward' project - see

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  10 & 11 Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   10 & 11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   10 & 11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   10 & 11 Carry out regular litter picks on site

  4 & 5

05 March 2011

A dry morning with the occasional glimpse of the sun but a cold wind. With the dry ground we were able to work on the steep slopes above the steps from entrance E where the rain prevented us from working last month. A few years ago the bramble on these slopes had choked the broom but since we started regularly clearing the bramble the broom has regenerated.

We also removed bramble from the grassland around the area to the west of here leaving the thicker bramble to be cleared by our 'parkie'. Meanwhile two of the group cut some large saplings in the area of bracken towards the bottom of the slope and tackled bramble in another area of broom.

The coffee and biscuits afterwards were very welcome!

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   5 & 8 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   5 & 8 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   5 & 8 Carry out regular litter picks on site

  5 & 8

05 February 2011

A very blustery and showery day with the ground being very wet after overnight rain. The slippery ground conditions meant that we had to change our plans and work in a relatively flat area; so we cut back some of the bramble from the 'ant hill' area at the top of the hill between the path and the allotment fence.

While litter picking near this area we found a handbag which had been thrown in the bushes. We later discovered that it had been stolen during the previous week and were pleased to be able to return it and the photo that was inside to its owner.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   1 Carry out regular litter picks on site


08 January 2011

The hedge that we planted in January 2006 grew very well this year so we were pleased to have our best turnout for several months to help with the annual pruning. As in previous years the cuttings were placed in bags by the gate for our Park Keeper to take away next week. It was a cloudy start to the morning but the sun came out in time for well deserved coffe and biscuits at the end of the session.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Maintain recently planted hedgerow through weeding, mulching and pruning.   2 Carry out regular litter picks on site


04 December 2010

A low turnout on a cold morning with the threat of showers after a very cold week. We managed to clear a small amount of bramble and saplings from Sally's Glade before a heavy shower meant calling an early close.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   10 & 11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   10 & 11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   10 & 11

06 November 2010

We were again lucky with a dry Saturday after a wet Friday. The rain had reduced the number of people celebrating the night before so there was less fireworks litter to collect than we expected. We cleared yet more bramble and saplings from the area of broom above Sally's Glade. Some of the group also helped Gynormous Rawkus set up for their kite making event.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   11 Carry out regular litter picks on site


02 October 2010

On a dry morning following a very wet Friday and before more rain forecast for Sunday we returned to clear more bramble from the area of broom above Sally's Glade. Two of the team repaired one of the steps on the 'DOE' path in Troopers Hill Woods before joining us in the bramble.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   11

04 September 2010

The main focus for the day was bramble and saplings at the top of the area of broom above Sally's Glade. We also cleared some litter as we walked up over the hill, much of it from a party last night.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   11 Carry out regular litter picks on site


07 August 2010

A heavy shower at 10am reduced the turnout this morning and meant a late start but the rain stopped to allow five of our regulars to fix the new Green Flag to the flag pole. With the new flag flying we turned our attention to some saplings in the grassland and also cleared the small quantity of litter from the area of the hill around the chimney and adjacent to the allotments.

When Friends of Troopers Hill first started we spent a lot of time litter picking. Thanks to the help of our 'parkie' Julian; dog walkers who regularly clear litter in the mornings and everyone who uses the hill and takes their litter home, our litter pickers now have much less to do. The morning finished with coffee and biscuits on one of the benches near the chimney.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   1, 2 & 3 Carry out regular litter picks on site

  1, 2 & 3

03 July 2010

Another warm summer morning, the main focus for today was bracken where it is spreading into areas of heather and broom. The bulk of the bracken is strimmed by our 'parkie' working for Bristol Parks, but we can remove the growth at the edges amongst the heather and broom. If the bracken is cut regularly during the growing season the root stock is weakened so that eventually it does not regrow. We also cut some saplings in the gully and cleared some litter from the hill and Troopers Hill Field.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum

  4, 5 & 8 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   4 & 5 Carry out regular litter picks on site


05 June 2010

On a very warm morning the day's task was a sapling hunt. Working across the grassland starting from entrance E we cleared many oak and hawthorn saplings from the south west section of the hill. If these saplings are allowed to grow unchecked the grassland and heathland which is the most important habitat on Troopers Hill will be lost.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  5, 8 & 9 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   5, 8 & 9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   5, 8 & 9 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   5, 8 & 9

01 May 2010

It has become a tradition that for the May work party we head for Sally's Glade where the broom always looks good at this time of year with its yellow flowers. This year we removed lots of bramble and also some quite large saplings. There is more to do here so we may well return in June.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  10 & 11 Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   10 & 11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   10 & 11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   10 & 11

03 April 2010

Following Friday's morning rain that led to the Good Friday service being moved to the church we were pleased to be able to complete this work party before the rain came down again - the coffee and biscuits were served sitting in a car. We cleared lots of bramble from the area of broom by the steps from the lower chimney.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   9 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   9

06 March 2010

Some welcome Spring sunshine but with a cold wind. We kept ourselves warm by clearing bramble from the steep slopes near the gorse at the top of the steps from entrance E. This is an area where a lot of bramble has been cleared by the Bristol Parks team over the last few weeks. We concentrated on clearing bramble from amongst the broom. The bramble was left in large bags by the fence for Bristol Parks to collect next week.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   5 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   5 Carry out regular litter picks on site

 5, 7 & 8

06 February 2010

The main focus for today was the pruning of the Greendown hedge that we had planted in January 2006. There is plenty of last year's mulch left and the thicker hedge is discouraging weed growth so we have decided that there is no need to mulch the hedge this year. After so many work parties over the last few months being impacted by the weather it was good to have a dry day, though there was a cold wind.

Once the hedge was complete we turned our attention to some of the bramble that was invading the heather behind the large oak tree on the edge of the heathland. We also removed a small oak tree that was growing in the heather.

During the last couple of weeks there as also been a lot of excellent work carried out by the Bristol Parks team. The main focus of their work has been to clear bramble regrowth in the areas of scrub cleared over the last two winters. They have also cut back some of last year's bracken growth in compartment 8 to expose the rhizomes to frost and allow the new growth to be cut more easily this year.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   4 Maintain recently planted hedgerow through weeding, mulching and pruning.   2 Carry out regular litter picks on site

 2, 3 & 4

09 January 2010

This work party was cancelled due to the snow and ice.

05 December 2009

Something different for this month. We took part in a tree planting record attempt as part of the official opening of the new play area on Troopers Hill Field.

Photographs and more details here.

07 November 2009

This work party became a dash to get some daffodil and crocus bulbs planted on Troopers Hill Field before the forecast heavy showers arrived. The bulbs were planted on the bank alongside the track that leads across the Field either side of the red bench by the path into the woods. We were just planting the last of the bulbs when the first shower arrived at 10.45.

The team included 4yr old Luke who became the first person to help at a Work Party who wasn't born when Friends of Troopers Hill was formed in 2003! Our thanks to Bristol Parks for donating the bulbs. We also cleared the remains of fireworks from last night from the hill, though many had already been collected so there was less to do than in previous years - thanks again to all the dog walkers and others who play their part in keeping the hill clean and tidy.

Photographs of the daffodil planting here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Carry out regular litter picks on site


03 October 2009

Although five of our regulars braved the wet weather, further rain meant that we had to call a halt after only an hour of clearing saplings.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   4 & 5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   4 & 5

05 September 2009

In some morning sunshine we cleared several saplings from an area of grassland near Sally's Glade. We were fortunate to see a common lizard on some heather at the edge of the broom and there was also a green frog hopping around.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  4 & 11 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   4 & 11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   4 & 11 Carry out regular litter picks on site

  4 & 11

01 August 2009

Despite the forecast rain a small group turned up and took advantage of a dry spell to clear some bracken and saplings in the gully.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  4 & 5 Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum

  4 & 5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   4 & 5 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   4 & 5 Carry out regular litter picks on site


04 July 2009

This work party focused on areas of bracken where it was growing amongst the heather. Our resident parkie, Julian, has been cutting some of the large areas regularly and we are able to do our bit by covering areas where it needs to be cut or pulled by hand.

Meanwhile our DoE students continued their work on the steps in Troopers Hill Woods.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum


06 June 2009

Due to the morning's heavy rain this work party had to be cancelled.

02 May 2009

With the broom looking magnificent with its yellow flowers the main group, including our DoE pupils, did some more work in Sally's Glade. We also removed some cherry saplings from near the path to the lower stack and did a litter pick.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  10 & 11 Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   8, 10 & 11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   10 & 11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   10 & 11 Carry out regular litter picks on site


04 April 2009

Under warm spring sunshine we cleared some bramble and saplings in Sally's Glade. Our DoE pupils also carried out further work on the steps on the 'Doe' path on Good Friday and on the evening of 22 April.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  10 & 11 Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   10 & 11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   10 & 11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   10 & 11

07 March 2009

Having pruned the hedge last month, the main task for today was weeding and mulching. We also cut down a large holm oak sapling and cleared some bramble and other small saplings from near the path parallel to Troopers Hill Rd.

Photographs of the day here.

Our D of E pupils were unable to join us on the Saturday but did their own work parties to build more steps on the path on Sun 8th and Sat 21st March.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Maintain recently planted hedgerow through weeding, mulching and pruning.   2 Eradicate holm oak

  5 Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity.

  5 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   5

21 February 2009

This work party was postponed from the 7th February due to the snow and ice (see photos here). Two weeks later the contrast was amazing with a warm spring like day. Our main task was to prune the Greendown hedge which we had planted three years earlier.

We are very pleased to be joined again this year by pupils from John Cabot Academy who are taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme. This group will continue the work started last year to re-establish the path from Troopers Hill Field into the woodland. The path has become very well used and needs some additional steps at the top. As an introduction to the hill for their first visit the group carried out a litter pick.

Photographs of the day here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Maintain recently planted hedgerow through weeding, mulching and pruning.   2 Carry out regular litter picks on site


10 January 2009

This was another very frosty morning at the end of a long spell of very cold weather. We completed the work we started last month clearing bramble from the area of broom.
Photographs here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity.

  9 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   9

06 December 2008

A cold but sunny morning, most of the group concentrated on the area of broom to the left of the path up from the lower chimney. We have worked in this area several times and have prevented it from becoming and area of just bramble. We also removed the old sign at the entrance from the Field following the installation of the new sign in October and cleared some bramble from the ant hill area at the top of the hill while we were there.
Photographs here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity.

  9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   1 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   9

01 November 2008

A very cold but dry morning with the rain again holding off until we had finished. We continued clearing the bramble and some saplings from the area above the steps from Troopers Hill Road that we worked on last month. Our resident 'parkie' Julian had also cleared the large area of bracken here since last month.
Photographs here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity.

  5 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   5

04 October 2008

This Work Party marked exactly five years since our first litter pick which was organised by Sally Oldfield in October 2003.
We were lucky enough to miss the wet weather which, as forecast, started within an hour of us finishing. We cleared the bramble and some saplings from the area above the steps from Troopers Hill Road. This is an area that was turning into a bank of bramble, hawthorn and oak saplings but thanks to our efforts of the past few years there is now new broom growing here.
Photographs of the day can be seen here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity.

  5 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   5

06 September 2008

Although the rain stopped and there was even a brief burst of sunshine just before 10am the heavy overnight rain had left the hill too wet for us to work safely and therefore the Work Party was cancelled.

21 August 2008

A lovely evening – we sat on top of the hill setting the world to rights drinking coffee after doing a good bit of work tackling encroaching bramble and saplings from an area of ant-hills near the top.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   1

02 August 2008

A cloudy morning but at least the showers had passed before our 10am start. Our first task was to put up the new 2008/9 Green Flag. We then moved into the gully to again cut bracken from the edges of areas where it is spreading into the heather and grassland and to cut some of the small saplings and bramble in the grassland areas.
The morning finshed with coffee and biscuits while watching the Bristol Parks' contractor clear pick up the grass following the hay cut of the area of grassland next to Greendown.
Photographs of the day can be seen here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum

 4 & 5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  4 & 5 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  4 & 5

17 July 2008

An enjoyable evening was spent first pruning the Greendown Hedge which has grown really well this year. Once this was complete we moved to the area of grassland near Sally's Glade.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  11 Maintain recently planted hedgerow through weeding, mulching and pruning.   2

05 July 2008

The forecast showers kept away and we even had some welcome sunshine. We split into two groups - the first removed ivy from the rock faces in the gully and then cleared some saplings, bracken and bramble from the surrounding area. Meanwhile the second group worked in Sally's Glade and the nearby grassland again clearing bramble and saplings.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum

 5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland  4, 5, 10 & 11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland  4, 5, 10 & 11 Cut back Ivy (Hedera helix) where possible from rock faces  5

25 June 2008

While Susan & Kit were working with the Scouts to prepare for the Trooping the Hill event on Saturday a group of us removed several small saplings and some bramble from the grassland and heathland below the chimney. We also cut a small channel at the side of the path to help reduce the erosion of the path that has been happening after heavy rain.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland 3, 4, 9 & 11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland 3, 4, 9 & 11

07 June 2008

A warm and sunny morning. One group cut bracken from the edges of two areas where it is spreading into the heather and grassland. Meanwhile a second group was clearing saplings including cherry and oak from beside the path from the lower chimney.
Photographs of the day can be seen here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum

 4, 5 & 8 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   8 & 9

20 May 2008

A small group on this evening work party removed lots of small seedlings of holm oak, oak and silver birch from the sides of the gully.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  4 & 5 Removal all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   4 & 5 Carry out regular litter picks on site

  4 & 5

03 May 2008

As has become traditional for our May Work Party the work focused on bramble and hawthorn scrub in Sally's Glade. There were also several Holm Oak saplings to remove. We were again joined by two students from UWE who got to explore the hill while doing a litter pick.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  10 & 11 Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   10 & 11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   10 & 11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   10 & 11 Carry out regular litter picks on site


20 April 2008

A rather grey day for our second Sunday work party this year - but at least it was dry. This work party saw the conclusion of our Duke of Edinburgh's Award project to build steps on the path through Troopers Hill Woods.

The rest of the group cleared some bramble from the grassland near the entrance from Troopers Hill Field and then moved to the steep slopes above the nursery where we cleared some more Holm Oak and other saplings.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  9 Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   9 Removal all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   1

05 April 2008

While our DoE volunteers from John Cabot Academy continued their project to build steps on the path into Troopers Hill Woods; the rest of the group cut saplings and bramble from various areas on the hill. The areas cleared included the steep slopes above the nursery where there were many holm oak saplings. Since we are now in the bird nesting season we were careful to avoid dense areas of bramble.
Photographs of the day can be seen here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  9 Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   8 & 9 Removal all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   5 & 8 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   5 & 8 Carry out regular litter picks on site

  5, 8 & 9

01 March 2008

While our young DoE volunteers continued their project by building two steps on the path; the rest of the group started the session by spreading mulch along the Greendown hedge. As in previous years the mulch had been delivered on the previous day by Bristol Parks.
Today's excellent turnout, which matched the largest number we have ever had on a work party, meant that we had finished by 11am. We then moved to clear some more bramble from the area in compartments 8 & 9 that we started at the afternoon work party in February. Today's efforts brought the total number of volunteer hours at work parties since we started in 2003 to over 1300 - thanks again to everyone.
Photographs of the day can be seen here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Maintain recently planted hedgerow through weeding, mulching and pruning.   2 Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   8 & 9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   8 & 9 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   8 & 9

17 February 2008

This was the first of two Sunday afternoon work parties we have planned for this Spring. Most of us concentrated our efforts on the area of broom to the left of the path from the lower chimney that we had worked on in January. We also cut down a holm oak from the other side of the path and cleared some bramble from the stonecrop. The stonecrop is home to a small fly Phytomyza sedi and Troopers Hill is the only place in the UK that this fly has been found. Meanwhile the DoE project to clear the path from Troopers Hill Field to Troopers Hill Woods continued. Our young volunteers were lucky enough to be visted by a deer that came to see what they were doing.
Photographs of the day can be seen here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  8 Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   8 & 9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   8 & 9 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   8 & 9

2 February 2008

We were very pleased to be joined by two year-10 pupils from John Cabot Academy who are taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme and by two students from UWE. The main group concentrated on pruning and weeding the hedge at Greendown, we also planted some new holly and hawthorn to fill a gap that had appeared. At the top end of the hedge there was a lot of bramble to cut back.
The DofE project is to re-establish the path from Troopers Hill Field into the woodland. This work will be ongoing over the next couple on months and will include building some steps. The path leads from the glade that we created last winter and will give another route onto the Hill from the Field.
Photographs here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Maintain recently planted hedgerow through weeding, mulching and pruning.   2 Carry out regular litter picks on site


12 January 2008

A bright and frosty morning after a very wet Friday. We started with the prize giving for our photo competition. We were very pleased that our young winners Harry and Amy were then able to join us on the work party. We concentrated our efforts on the area of broom to the left of the path from the lower chimney, this area is relatively flat so the wet ground wasn't so much of a problem.
A photograph of some of the team relaxing after the hard work is shown here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   9 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   9 Carry out regular litter picks on site


01 December 2007

Heavy showers after a lot of overnight rain meant that this month's work party had to be cancelled.

03 November 2007

Warm or even hot sunshine on a fabulous November morning. Two of the group did a quick check over the hill for litter before joining in with the rest of us in clearing the bramble re-growth from the area at the top of the steps leading from Entrance E. This is an area with old broom that had become completely choked with bramble. It was pleasing to see our efforts of last year being rewarded with new broom plants growing. As well as the bramble some oak saplings were also removed.
Photographs here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   5 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   5 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   5 Carry out regular litter picks on site


06 October 2007

With lots of our regulars (including our Chair) suffering from the various bugs that are going around there was only a small group this month, though it was pleasing to welcome a new face. We concentrated our efforts on clearing the bracken at the entrance to the Gully. Much of this bracken had been cut by Julian of Bristol Contract Services on his regular visits to the site with his strimmer. We were able to clear the remaining areas where the bracken was mixed with the heather using loppers. Now that the edge of the heather can be seen we hope to be able to keep next year's regrowth in check and to eventually eradicate the braken all together in accordance with the Management Plan.
Having completed our work in this area we spent the last half hour before well deserved coffee and biscuits cutting saplings further up the gully.
Photographs here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  4 Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum

  4 & 5 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   4

01 September 2007

On a cloudy but warm morning we returned to Sally's glade to clear some more bramble and scrub. This time we concentrated on the lower part of the glade below the path.
A small group also bashed down some of the bracken regrowth in & compartment(s) 5 and cut down some isolated gorse bushes that had appeared amonst the heather.
Photographs here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  10 Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   10 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   5 & 10 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   10 Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum


04 & 16 August 2007

For both these work parties we returned again to work on bramble, hawthorn and oak scrub in Sally's Glade.

On the Saturday we first had a photo taken with the Green Flag which can be seen on our Green Flag Award Page. On a warm but cloudy morning it was good to have a sit down after our labours and enjoy our coffee and biscuits. There are some photos of the work in progress here.

Six of us continued this work on the Thursday evening; concentrating this time on the area at the top of the glade.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  10 & 11 Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   10 & 11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   10 & 11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   10 & 11

07 July 2007

A dry and sunny day after a very wet June saw us working in three areas. One group first flattened some bracken before moving on to remove some saplings including several holm oaks from the steep slopes above the nursery. Meanwhile a second group was clearing bramble and saplings including cherry from beside the path from the lower chimney. A particular aim of this group was to clear the stonecrop which is home to the small fly recorded as a 'first for GB' in last year's invertebrate report.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  9 Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum

  5 & 8 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   8 & 9 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   8 & 9

21 June 2007

A small group of us managed to miss the showers on a cloudy summer evening and clear some saplings from the north side of the gully.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   4

02 June 2007

A warm sunny June morning meant that we were very grateful for the shade of the broom as we cut the regrowth of bramble from the area we cleared in the winter.

Photos here.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum

  5 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   5 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   5

Mon 14 & 21 May 2007

Two evening work parties, the first bashing down some of the bracken in compartment 5 at the top of the steps from entrance E and the second cutting more bracken and saplings from areas of heathland.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate Bracken or at least reduce it to a minimum

  5 & 8 Removal of all tree seedlings from grassland and heathland   5, 8 & 9

Sat 05 May 2007

A smaller group than recently due to the clash with the Bank Holiday weekend but we were pleased to welcome two new faces. Over 60 people have now taken part in our Work Parties over the past three years, our thanks to all of you.

The work focused on bramble and hawthorn scrub in Sally's Glade which is in compartments 10 and 11 in the Management Plan. This is a wonderful spot to work at this time of year with the broom in flower.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  10 & 11 Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   10 & 11 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   10 & 11 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   10 & 11

Thur 26 April 2007

This was a trial to guage interest in evening work parties. We had a very enjoyable evening cutting bramble from wherre it was encroaching into an area of grassland with lots of anthills on the left of the path from Troopers Hill Field in & compartment(s) 1.
Once the tools had been put away we sat and enjoyed the view over the hill while drinking a couple of glasses of wine. We hope to run more evening work parties through the summer - so watch this space!

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Cut back the bramble to retain a 5m wide strip close to the boundary to form a security barrier with the allotments and also diversify wildlife habitat on site.   1 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   1

14 April 2007

This month's work party was delayed by a week because of Easter. In previous Aprils we have carried out a 'Spring Clean'. We were very pleased that this was not necessary this year. A small group did some litter picking, but apart from a large duvet only two bags of rubbish were recovered. This is a real indication of the success of Friends of Troopers Hill and our friends in Bristol Parks in making Troopers Hill look more cared for and encouraging people to treat the site with the respect it deserves. Many thanks to every one who as helped especially all those dog walkers who pick up cans and bottles on their morning walks.

These photos show a second group cutting the bramble regrowth in the area we cleared over the winter. We also moved some of the bramble we cut previously so that Bristol Parks could remove it later.

A third group covered the site cutting holm oak saplings, they were pursued by a BBC film crew - watch out for 'Nature in Britain' in the autumn.

The photos also show the lizard we found and the whole group sitting in the unusually hot Spring sunshine enjoying coffee and biscuits afterwards.

Thanks must also go to Zoe from BTCV who came along to audit our Health & Safety procedures to ensure that we were working safely and in accordance with Bristol City Council's requirements.

The area where we cut the bramble is part of the area designated in the 2007 Management Plan as & compartment(s) 5. The work we have done during the winter to remove bramble and saplings in this area is in accordance with the 'Work Guidelines' (section 7.1) for this compartment to remove competition with the heathland flora and to prevent scrub from maturing into woodland. These Work Guidlines summarise the work needed to achieve the Aims and Objectives for the site set out in section 7.2 of the plan. In particular our work helps to achieve aim 7.2.2 to conserve and where possible enhance the extent and quality of acidic grassland and heath habitats. The plan sets out objectives that will help to achieve the aims.

So that everyone can see how our work relates to the Management Plan we shall list the compartments where we have worked and the objectives that we have focused on under the reports for this and future work parties.

Management Plan Objectives for this work party & compartment(s) Eradicate holm oak

  All Removal of all tree species growing in scrub areas before maturity   5 Control bramble and scrub encroaching onto grassland and heathland   5 Manage to maintain some areas of heath type scrub with broom   5 Carry out regular litter picks on site


March 2007

We were pleased to welcome 3 new faces on a bright sunny morning after very heavy overnight rain

The first task this month was to mulch and prune the hedge that we planted last year. Bristol Park's contractors had delivered a heap of wood chip on the previous day and we spread it along the hedge using wheelbarrows, buckets and rakes. The plants were pruned to ensure they grow outward rather than upward to form a hedge rather than a row of trees. These photos show work on the hedge in progress

Once the work to the hedge had been completed we split into two groups; one loaded cut bramble from last month into bags for removal while the other group cleared the new path through Gillian's glade and also spread wood chip and the gate onto Troopers Hill Field from Summerhill Terrace.

Bristol Park's contractors - BCS - have also been working hard on Troopers Hill during the last month. These photos show some before and after shots of the areas they have cleared. Thanks to BCS and Bristol Parks for a great job!

This work has all been carried out in accordance with the agreed Management Plan for the hill. Our main aim is to prevent the spread of scrub on to the acid grassland and heathland and where possible to restore areas of this habitat. There was a very interesting discussion about the restoration of heathland on a much larger scale in Dorset on Radio 4's Home Planet programme on 27th February. You can listen to the programme via the Radio 4 website.

A small extra Work Party was also held on Fri 16th March to add some more mulch to the hedge.

03 Feb 2007

We continued with the work we were doing last week in both locations. At Gillian's Glade we have now cut a path through the bramble to connect with the paths in the wood - though it needs a bit more work to make it easily passable.
On the hill itself we got the last of the bramble out of the area of broom and again filled four bags for Bristol Parks' contractors to take away. The rest of the bramble we left in heaps to remove next time.

Everyone was pleased to see that the contractors had done a lot of work on the hill during the week clearing other areas of bramble on the site. These photos show work in progress and this part of the hill as it was in November and as it is now.

27 Jan 2007

As in December we split between two sites. On Troopers Hill Field more of "Gillian's" glade was cleared in front of one of the new benches funded through Akzo Nobel's Global Community Programme. Alan led the way with the slasher and loppers.

The rest of the group cleared more bramble from the broom and cut down several saplings. In accordance with the reconmendations of the latest invertebrate report (see Hill Wildlife) we removed the cut bramble from the site rather than allowing it to rot down. Many thanks to Bristol Parks for arranging to supply bags for the bramble and then having them taken away.
Click here for photographs.

13 Jan 2007

The work party on 6th Jan was cancelled due to rain but we made up for it by holding an extra session on the following week.
14 very enthusiastic volunteers spent two enjoyable hours cutting bramble and several saplings from our favourite area of broom. A special thank you our two young helpers (aged 8 & 11) who worked very hard cutting up the holm oak that we felled on 2nd Dec.

If you have any comments on the management of Troopers Hill or any suggestions for future work parties please email .

Details of earlier Work Parties  >>

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