On a wonderful sunny winter's day TreeBristol organised a tree planting day on Troopers Hill Field.
Friends of Troopers Hill were there to help, but most of the work was done by children from three local schools - Summerhill, Air Balloon and Two Mile Hill. As well as the trees, we also planted more daffodils on the bank sloping down to the woodland.
These are the photos of children from Summerhill School planting cherry trees. The children gave their trees names, beginning from nearest to Summerhill Terrace they were:
1. Friendship Tree - the children felt the tree would bring them back to see it and it would be like seeing a friend again.
2. Pottree (Tree) - the children had been removing many peices of pottery (all brought back to school!!)
3. Anttree (Tree) - the children were sorry that they had destroyed an ants nest whilst digging and thought they could be remembered
4. Happy Tree - the children said they were all very happy being able to plant the trees in the sunshine
5. Treasure Tree - the children had found 'treasure' (many fragments of china and small rocks) buried beneath the ground (again all returned to school)
6. Team Tree - the children felt they had had to work as a real team taking turns and helping one another